Chapter 13

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Denise's POV
It was midnight on the fine weekend. The wind blew gently as I make my way once again to the Curtis house hold. I was trying not to get caught as I place the letter written by Y/N to Soda in the mail box. I hear the sound of the window upstairs being open, and in that moment I knew just how fucked I really was. "Denise? What are you doing here this early? Did something happen?" Ponyboys voice called out. "Uh...... Gotta go!" I said taking off running. I meet up with Y/N who was waiting in her car. I was out of breath and stare at her "I got caught! You owe me double now!"

Pony boy's POV
I noticed Denise place something in the mailbox from the upstairs window. I tried talking to her but didn't get much of a reply. I sneak out of bed careful not to wake up Soda. I make my way down the stairs, reaching the third step when I fell. I finally reached the bottom with a huge thud. "Welp!" I said not caring anymore. What was she up too. The past two days she's been acting weird round me, it was confusing as hell. I walk out the door and open the mailbox to find a letter. A letter to Soda. It went just like this:
Dear Soda,
         I know that things are not right with the socs and greasers still, but I just can't help myself. Your smile is just so amazing that I'm hooked. I don't even care if you're a greaser anymore. And please show this letter to no one.
                 Love the rebel soc
My blood boiled inside me, and my heart stops. "How could she do me this way?" So many thoughts ran through my head I didn't notice Soda and Darry were outside. "Pony do you know what time it is?" Darry asked. I stayed silent. "Pony boy its really early. Why are you outside?" Soda asks. "Why don't you go ask your little lover girl huh Soda?" I said storming off down the street.

Soda POV
I watched as Ponyboy storms away. I was confused and looked at a letter that fell from his hands. The letter was tear stained and looked well written. I read the letter out loud and that's when I finally understood, why Denise was acting weird?, why Y/N did what she did?, Why she been lying to Pony?. I chanced after him as fast as I could "PONY!" No use he kept walking away. "PONYBOY!" Still no use. "Ponyboy? SODA!?" I hear Denise say before Ponyboy stops dead in his tracks. "Really couldn't wait to meet him huh?" Pony asked kicking a pebble that was closed by. "Yeah I couldn't. I'm sorry I've been acting like a major bitch lately. I promise I'll explain everything to you in time." Denise said, going in to hug PonyBoy but he steps away. "No need to. I know ya like Soda. I was the one that found the letter. I was the one that read the letter. I just never thought you would do something like that." Denise tilts her head "What letter?" "Don't play stupid with me?" Pony said pointing to me and the letter that was still in my hands.

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