Chapter 11

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A/N: Told you guys author Chan isn't giving up anymore. Even tho probably some of y'all won't ever be back to read this story. Its still fine by me if only one person reads.

Soda's POV
I take Y/N hands and lead her to the old lot. This place had so many memories, and now its time to make some more. "So what's up?" I asked leaning against the fountain, trying to look cool. "Listen soda....." "Yeah, what is it?" "I-I can't be seen around you anymore." "What you mean?" "I mean I can't be seen around you. I can't hang out with you anymore. I want nothing to do with you. I can't have anything to do with you." Y/N said. I laughed "Okay this is awesome. What a amazing joke you just did." "Soda I'm not joking I can't..... Why do you have to be a greaser?......" My heart stops and I look away "I-I have to go." I take off running back to the house slamming the door shut behind me, and for once actually locking it. Tears slipped down my face, but I looked past them and everyone else. "Get out!" I tell Pony and Denise after getting to the bedroom. "What you mean this is my room too? And where's Y/N?" Pony asked. "Just shut up and get out!!" I said throwing a pillow at them.

Ponyboy's POV
"What's the matter with em?". Denise shakes her head "I don't know but something had to happen between him and Y/N." I nod "well come on let's go find her." We walked until we found Y/N. "What did you do to my brother?" "I only told him the truth!" "And that truth was?!" "I don't want to be around him anymore. And in fact Denise I don't want to be around you anymore either." Y/N said. Denise growls gritting her teeth "You know what? Good luck getting home with your snobby ass, and good luck calling someone to come get you because your phone is in my car." Y/N shrugs before walking off. "I never thought she would turn out like this." I said. Y/N stops "Oh by the way Ponyboy is stupid Denise and you can do so much better. Just look at him. He did so much damage in this city already." In that moment Denise runs after Y/N and tackles her to the ground. I could see the fire in her eyes. "Dare to say that to my face?" Denise said punching Y/N in the eye. I rush over and pull her off "She's not worth it come let's go check on Soda." Denise's shirt was covered in blood but it wasn't her own. "Got was she deserved." Was her last words before she spit on Y/N. We made our way back to my house and rush up to Soda.

"We know what happened and by the way she now has a busted lip and black eye to go along with that broken nose." I said. Denise growls pacing back and forth "Should have killed her. Talking bad about Pony like that. And saying that stuff about us. God was I stupid for thinking she was nice." "Hey chill we all are!" Soda said standing up and hugging us. "I love ya guys."

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