chapter 8

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A/N: Hey what's up you guys?! Yes, it is me you fabulous queens/kings! Author chan is back! And she came with a new chapter and apology. First of all I would like to say thanks to everyone who read and voted/ added to their reading list. You guys made this story 345!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! You don't know how much you mean to me!! I know that the beginning of the story sucked but I'm a tad bit better writer and I will not give up. Sorry for not updating since...... Two years ago!!!? Anyways onwards to the story!!!!!

Sitting on home I walk up to my room before my mom could have a chance to say something about me being with a greaser tonight. I knew that if she caught me before Soda left my life right now would be a living hell. I sneak past my dad as he makes his way down stairs to my mom. "Honey what was that all about?" Y/D said. (Y/D/N-your dad name) "Y/N thought it would be okay and totally fine to hang out with a greaser tonight. He brought her home and they were alone." Y/M/N said. (Your mom name) Y/D/N sighs before looking upstairs, and pointing. Y/M/N nods "Yeah, I seen her run up there before the boy could leave." Y/D/N nods before storming up the stairs and to my room.

I heard I knock on my bedroom door and from the conversation I heard downstairs, I really didn't want to open it. I hesitated which I knew would only make my dad madder. I sigh before placing my hand on the door handle. "Y/N if you don't open this door this minute so help me I will kick it down. And if I have to do that god only knows what would happen to you!" I look out the window thinking if I should sneak out the house or not. How much more trouble could I possibly get in? The only problem is where would I go if I do? I couldn't go to Denise's she wouldn't be there, and the Curtis brothers lived to far away. I knew my decision wouldn't be very bright, but what else would I be able to do? I face my fear and open the handle. I didn't expect for my dads hand to go up and hit me in the face. I gasp covering it. My mom Y/M/N ran up and looks at my dad "Did you hit her?" My dad stares and shakes his head "I didn't! I would never! I went to go knock and she opened it." I stare in disbelief as my nose dripped blood.

At the hospital the doctor examined my nose, to find out that it was in fact broken. "Okay Miss. Y/N grip something and think happy thoughts. This may hurt a little bit." The doctor said. My mom looks over "By how much is a little?" "Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe a lot." I gulp before gripping the sheets and thinking about the day I had with the gang. The doctor pushed me back but I thought of it being Soda with his soft touch. The thought made me tingle inside until the doctor pop my nose into place. I screamed in pain and shove him away "OWW!!" I yell wishing I was in Soda's arms. Oh how perfect and amazing that would be right now. "Oh Soda if only you wasn't a greaser........." I whispered as tears slipped down my cheeks.

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