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It was a bright a sunny day deep south of the country side. The feud of Socs and Greasers finally coning to an end as everyone gathers around.

"Someone grab the kid!" Denise says running around trying to grab Y/K/N.

Y/K/N takes off running under tables, between chairs, and around people.

"I'm gonna kill a kid before this day is over with." Denise says taking off her heels and tossing them off to the side.

"She's going to be all sweaty! This is my big day! Denise!!!" Y/N says.

Denise gives up, leaning down and straighting her light blue dress. "Someone still needs to grab the kid so we can get ready. People been here already for 40 minutes."

Darry  walks in easily grabbing Y/k/N "He just wanted his uncle and that's it." He laughs tickling Y/K/N.

Y/M/N (Your mom name) walks in "My baby girl looks so beautiful." A tear slips down her cheek "And my little grand baby." She goes to pick up Y/K/N but he/she slaps her.

Denise bites her lip trying to hold back a laugh.

Hearing everyone laugh encouraged Y/K/N even more. He leans down and grabs a cupcake throwing it at Ponyboy, hitting him directly in the face.

Denise burst out laughing.

"You really think this is funny?" Pony asks taking his hand and removing a small amount if icing.

"I mean yeah it kinda was. I'm still hella mad at you, but this is Y/N's day so not running it for them."

Pony smirks, raising an eyebrow "Oh really?" He walks up to Denise rubbing the smash cupcake in her face. Laughing he steps back looking at her.

Denise gasps staring back "You have no idea what I want to do to you right now."

"Okay everyone places!" Steve says running to the front to met Soda.

"I'm not going out like this! Oh heck no."

"Well come here than you big baby."Pony says walking towards Denise.

Denise huffs pushing him aside "Morgan help me now!"

"I take it you two are still not getting along?" Y/N asks Pony. He just nods his head. "Don't worry about it she'll come around eventually."

Here comes the bride plays in the background as Y/N walks down the aisle followed behind her was Denise, Lia,Maggie, and  Hannah. Waiting at the alter was Soda his mouth dropped slightly seeing Y/N. Y/D/N (your dad's name) hands you over to Soda.

Lia goes off to take Morgans arm, Hannah took Steve's, Maggie took Darry's and that left Denise and Pony.

Denise takes a deep breath taking Pony's arm

All the bride maids and best men stand proudly beside the soon to be married couple.

The priest takes in a deep slow breath. "Do you young man take this beautiful young lady forever. Through sickness and health. Through happiness and grief. Through heaven and hell. Through thick and thin. Through........."

"Can this priest hurry it up before we all die here?" Denise asks rolling her eyes.

Ponyboy bites his lip trying not to laugh "Denise will you shut up."

"Hey I'm just saying."

The priest coughs "If you two are done we can carry on with this wedding."

Denise and Pony nods their heads. Denise however being the smartass she is has to say something to the onlooking angry crowd "A whole lot of people are apparently being hypocritical. We all know that y'all were thinking the same thing. One more look and the heels are going into the crowd. However I hit will just get hit."

Y/N sighs taking the alter cup and throwing it at Denise "One more time and I'll make sure it'll hit you!"

The priest fixes his glasses "Now where was I..... Oh yes through everything?"

"I do."

"And do you Y/N take this......"

"We get it get to the I do already." Morgan says.

"Okay. Is there anyone here that has any reason why these two should not be wed. Any reason at all? No? In that case I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss......." Before the priest could finish Soda had already pulled Y/N into a long passionate kiss. "Or continue kissing the bride works as well."

The crowd cheers.

"AFTER PARTY TIME!" Denise screams.

Soda was the one to cut the wedding cake. Leaning in a fork to feed Y/N with it. Y/N had something else in mind. She picks up the plate and smashes it in Soda's face.

"Not de cake momu." Y/K/N said.

Everyone laughs ad food go flying everywhere.

"Hey Pony and Denise can you guys come here for a sec?" Soda asks wiping cake from his eyes.

"What's up?"

"Wazzup pop?"

"Since we're leaving for our honeymoon tonight and are staying for a couple weeks......... Can you guys watch Y/K/N and the house?" Soda asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"I mean I'm game. What about you Denise?"

"No promises I won't kill him, but yeah I'm game too."

"Hell yeah kid free vacation."

"Listen Soda if you guys have another kid make sure that he or she doesn't turn our like that."Steve says pointing Y/K/N who was running around in a pull up.

Y/N hits Steve in the back of the head with the bundles of red and white roses. "Shut up that's NY beautiful baby that you're talking about "

Soda picks Y/N up bridal style "Let's go its a long week that we're going to have."

A/N: The end you can come up with the rest. Ahhhh thank you guys for reading. We love you all bunches!

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