Chapter 9

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Your POV

The drive back home from the hospital was mostly silent, the only sound that could be heard was me and that was because I was breathing. The doctor put a cast on my nose so now I'm breathing out my mouth like a retarded seal! I slam the car door shut and make my way inside the house when we finally arrived home. My mom stops in her tracks after getting out of the car "Y/N we are not done with this conversation and I hope you now this!" I stop at the kitchen listening to her. "You can't see him anymore." "And why not hmm I love him!?" I said getting teary eyes. "How can you love someone you just met?!" My mom said. "Its so easy. He's super sweet and actually......." "No stop it right now" my mom said cutting me off "You either tell him you can't hung out with him anymore or you're out of this house. Do you understand?" I sigh getting mad "Denise is a soc! She's a cheerleader! She's dating a greaser!!!" My mom gasp looking like she just seen a ghost "My I have never!!! Does her parents know about this..... This disgrace." "No they don't. Does that really matter?" "Y/N you call Denise and tell her to take you to that boy tell you you never want to see him again or else. While you're at it tell Denise you don't want to be her friend. I have to find out who her parents are so I call tell them about their disgrace of a daughter." I nod slowly before walking up to my room. I sit on the bed and pick up the phone calling Denise. She picks up on the third ring.
PHONE CALL (Yes they have cell phones go with it!!)
Denise:"Hello! Hello!Hello! What's up boo!?"
You: "Do.... Do you mind taking me to go see Soda?"
Denise: "You sound like shit what happened?"
You: "I have a broken nose... Just do you mind or not?"
Denise: "Okay little miss feisty. Yeah I don't mind let me get dressed and I'll be there in ten."
You: "Thanks Denise."
Denise: "No problem boo bye!"
End phone call

I laugh hanging up my phone. I stare at the blank screen before me. Should I bring you or not? I decided against it and changed my clothes. My nose was still giving me trouble but I looked over it. After tonight that won't be the only thing hurting me. I take a deep breath thinking about how I should break it to Soda. I lay in bed getting a message from Denise saying she'll be a little late. "More like a lot it already been thirty minutes." I close my eyes thinking to myself.

"Soda I can't see you anymore." I said staring into his eyes as he hugged me tight. He let's go and looks away "W-what do you mean?" "I mean exactly like I said. I can't see you anymore." I repeated myself." Soda nods "I just can't believe this but okay......" I sigh "Look I'm a soc I don't need anyone, and  I'm better than you in every way. You're a greaser. You're nothing but a low life hood that would never love anyone but yourself and your little gang. Something I would never be apart of. Its stupid but yeah." Soda nods slowly walking away. "That was messed up Y/N." Denise said. "And as for you Denise I have something I want to say to you to!" I woke up in a cold sweat crying. I look up to see Denise shaking me awake. "What!? What!? What!?" "Let's go!" Denise said grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs.

A/N: Another chapter? Yes author Chan will never give up again. Love you NY beautiful butterflies.

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