Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

Early that same day.

"Wouldn't you two handsome nice young men want to date two beautiful young women?" Y/N's mother says talking to Alex and Morgan in the Café.

"That depends what a in it for us?" Alex says.

"Some cheerleader girlfriends because honey we all know you can't get any on your own. God knows how many times you tried." Cherry says.

Morgan puts a finger to his chin deep in thought "Okay I'm in as long as I get food." (#my mood for everything!)

"Okay so here's the plan." Y/N's mom says beginning to tell them the plan of how they would be staying at her house.

Back to the present

"Yeah the greasers. Do you have a problem with that?" Y/N asks.

"So two little wanna be rebels." Alex says "Thinking that going against people orders will make them cool."

"Oh what do we have here two little know it all boys." Denise says sinking into the couch beside Y/N "Thinking that their leatherman jackets will make every girl fall head over hills for them."

"Isn't that how it all ways goes?" Morgan asks "Oh wait they forget about the good nice guys and go for the bad guys."

"In this case that's wrong. In my eyes your the bad guys and they're the good guys." Y/N says.

"Oh my flipping Jesus these girls are insane." Alex says leaving the room "I NEED A BEER!"

"So its getting late how about you girls get to bed and well go to sleep too?" Morgan suggested.

Y/N nods rolling over to the stairs, crawling out of the wheelchair sitting on the steps and starts sliding up them.

"What the hell?" Morgan asks.

"Have a problem on how I get up my own stairs? If you do get the heck out of my house." Y/N says.

Morgan rolls his eyes and go to pick Y/N up "How about I carry you?"

Y/N hits his hands away "No no no no no no no no no no no no no. No touchy the prize. Denise come on."

"Coming." Denise says waiting for Y/N to get up the stairs before following behind her..

"I can't wait to go to bed and get this night over with." Y/N says.

"Same girl same." Denise says climbing into her bed on the other side of the room.

The girls fall asleep instantly that is until someone climbing into the window wakes them up.

Denise screams.

"Denise its just us chill." Soda says.

"What are you guys doing here"

"You girls wouldn't answer so we decided to make sure you two are okay." Pony says.

"You guys really can't be here." Y/N says.

"Why not your moms said it was okay."

Just than Morgan and Alex come running in.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Soda asks.

"Their car broke down and my mom said they are staying and blah blah blah." Y/N says.

Anger is shown on Sodas face.

"Did these two idiots just break in on two ladies?" Morgan asks picking up a lamp.

"Do not make me get out of this bed!" Denise says.

"That's my good lamp! Pick it back before Denise gets out of her bed."

"Really making me do everything?" Denise says swinging the covers off of her.

"Since I can't fight or move yes."

"My girlfriend said to put the lamp down." Soda says.

"MOMMA!" Y/N screams but no one comes. "Of freaking course no one comes when I need them too."

Question of the day: Who likes Shane Dawson?

Love you my beautiful butterflies

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