Chapter 26

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A/N: *le sigh* I love babies but kids....... 🙏💀 also switching povs all lot so beware

Pony boy's POV
I get in the passenger side of Denise's car. She said she would leave first and meet everyone there since Soda had to make a phone call. We get ready to leave when Two-but comes running in a tux.

"Y'all know y'all can't leave me out."

Denise rolls her eyes "Than get in the car before I run over you."

"Now now love you wanted us to look like princes and princesses. If that's the case we must also act like it." I say smirking at Denise.

She leans over and slaps my arm lightly "Okay what ever you say my beloved Ponyboy."

"You guys are so weird." Two-Bit says.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, tell us something we don't know." Denise says giving us a small wink "I could be your worst enemy or the weird best friend that will never leave you. You will just have to pick which one you want me to be."

"And for Pony you're his annoying girlfriend." Two-Bit says laughing.

"Annoying? Who me? I'm no such thing my fair Keith."

Two-Bit scoffs at the mention of his name "Let's just hurry up and get on with this."

"Okay what the hell is you guys problem? First Steve wanted to be a bitch and now you cock an attitude."

"Look I'm just super tired let's go."

Denise nods in agreement "Yeah I am too."

"Hold up if you're tired you don't need to be driving!" Pony tells me.

"Ill be fine."

Steve's POV
I give myself one last look over before finding Soda. "Hey, you really think this is such a good idea?"

He holds up a finger "Yeah that'll be fine. Yes I said four o-clock. Well see what you can do. Yes! Thank you!" Soda hangs up the phone and looks at me "What ya mean?"

"Letting your ex meet the girlfriend. That sounds like all the romance movies I watch." I say.

"You watch romance movies?" Soda says through laughs.

"Okay hey u have a soft spot too okay!"

"Hey guys I don't mean to rush you but let's hurry up. Denise has already left and we're far behind her now."

Soda and I nod following Y/N to her car.

"So who's driving?" Steve asks.

"The one who car it belongs to." Y/N says holding up the keys.

"I don't think so little lady. I never had a girl drive me and I'm not starting now!" I say taking the keys from her "You and Soda can get in the back."

Y/N glares at me "Fine! You wreck my car so help me!"

Soda laughs opening the door for Y/N "Get inside the carriage my lady."

Soon we was off on the road to a wedding that I never thought we all would be going to.

"Oh my gosh I'm so nervous." Y/N says.

"Dang broad the way your acting people would think you're the one getting married." I say laughing at Y/N in the back seat.

"What if they don't like me!"

"Baby chill she's my ex she doesn't have to like you." Soda reassures her.

"But you two still wants to be friends and what if......... Did you just call me baby?"

Soda nods "Hope that's okay."

Y/N shrugs "I don't care." Even though she said this I could see the blush on her face.

I knew in that moment Y/N wasn't like any other socs in fact she wasn't like any other girls. "Match made in heaven." I whisper.

"What was that?" Y/N asks.

I shake my bead but Soda gives me a cheeky smile. That let's me know he heard me.

Pony's POV
"Can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby let me know." Denise sings along to the song on the radio.

I laugh at her remembering that day we first met. It was right after we meet Cherry at the drive in. I ran into Denise getting popcorn with Cherry, she said she came with some friends. I smile looking at her "You're such a little kid."

"You have to see the point of life. Why live be boring today when this could all be your last day alive?"

I stare at her "Do we need to talk?"

"Hello depressing teen in the driver seat pay attention and don't wreck us." Two-Bit says laughing.

"Don't test me Keith! So help me I will feed you to a pig!" She says laughing.

I smiled and wondered how I got so lucky. But than I saw we was heading to the country. The same one me and Johnny ran away too.

Denise saw the look on my face and grabs my hand "Its okay Pony I promise."

I nod my head slowly still feeling like shit. All kinds of memories rushing back to me all at once.

Soda's POV
As Steve drives on to the country side I pull Y/N as close as I can. She giggles at me but places her head on my shoulder. It was a peaceful moment until I get a text from Denise.

Niece (fun fact :my real life nickname) : Hey Pop can you call Pony everything's coming back to him
Soda: I thought you was driving
Niece: I pulled over and let Two-Bit drive. Pony and I took the backseats. I feel really bad because the look on his face.
Soda: I'll message him in the mean time try talking to him and tell him everything will be okay. We should have just all tried to fit in one car.

I look at Y/N who was staring at me "Soda are you okay?"

I nod my head "Its Pony I forgot about what happened in the countryside with him and Johnny."

Y/N nods her head "Message him and make sure his okay. I don't think he would want to talk right now."

I nod my head kissing her on the cheek before messaging Pony. He replies five minutes later.

Pony: Yeah fine now thanks

"How is he?"

"He said he's doing better now. I think Denise really helped him."


"Hey love birds we're here."

I jump out and rush to open Y/N's door.

Love you my beautiful butterflies

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