Chapter 31

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Denise's POV

Something didn't seem right when Y/N and I was in the hospital. I mean our parents agreeing to let us date the boys. They even allowed them to come over when we got out of the hospital once a week. We are still in our casts and today my mom decided to take me to see Y/N.

"Hey girl!" Y/N says knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What's up sexy thing?!" I reply giving her air kisses. It's only been one week since we got out of that freaking hospital.

"One week down and only 9 more too go." Y/N says reading my mind and finishing my sentence.

"I can't wait to get these freaking things off. I just thank god today is Saturday. School has been hell for me!"

"Amen to that. I went to the bathroom yesterday and every time I open the door and go to roll in it closed."

I nod my head in understanding. I was walking on crutches while Y/N was in a wheel chair. The doctors said her body should heal per perfectly fine. Me I have a metal rod in my arm to support the bone that I shattered. What is our luck?

There was a knock on the front door and Y/N's mom went to answer it.

"Hi our car actually broke down right outside your house and we are wondering if we could come in and call our parents?" A guy voice says.

"Does that voice sounds familiar?" Y/N asks me.

I nod my head"Yes it freaking does. Who is it?"

"Of course you can sweetie. You should never leave your house without your cell phone though. You can go to the living room. Just ignore the girls talking in there. They have horrible boo boos." Y/N's mom says.

Y/N rolls her eyes "Great someone that I probably know is coming inside my house."

Two boys walk in one I knew was Alex the other his twin. I never did get his name, but that's fine never talked to them anyways.

"Hello girls! Hope you don't mind if we interrupt your conversation. We just broke down and need to us your phone." Alex says.

"Okay no need to tell us every detail. Use the phone and hurry up." I say.

Alex nods "Okay no hello but that's fine." He picks up the phone and calls his parents "What do you mean you're out of town? How are we supposed to get home?" He hangs up soon afterwards.

"Sweetie are your parents not home?" My mom asks Alex.

He nods "Yes ma'am I have no idea how Morgan and I are going to get home."

"How about you spend the night here?" Y/N's mom suggest.

Y/N shakes her head "Momma no."

"That's a great idea Denise can stay too. Have a nice night honey bunny." My mom says leaving.

"Get back here woman!" I say trying my best to catch up to her. To no avail and I ended up tripping over the rug.

Morgan catches me with a smile on his face "How about next time you watch where you're going?"

"How bout next time I hit you with my crutch?" I say/ask sternly.

"Damn girl just being nice." He says dropping me and I hit the floor.

"Owe." I mumble. I can already tell tonight is going to be a long long long night.

"And we were supposed to hang out with the guys too." Y/N says.

"Oh the greasers." Alex says in disgust.

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