Chapter 35

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A/N: *waves slightly* You see what had happened was
Soda: Just shut up Denise there's no excuse as to why you haven't updated
Author: He does have a point but, I have a new hairstyle I'm rocking and I'm ready to update. And I feel like crying and total shit so.......

Soda's POV

I pick Y/N up and rush down stairs. She instantly wrap her arms around me. I huffed when her hard cast hits my back. "I'll be so glad when you get healed."

Y/N nods looking down "I will too..... Sorry about hurting you...."

I stare at her "No need to apologize to me. This isn't your fault. Besides I'm your boyfriend I have to take care of you, its my job and I enjoy doing it." I give her a simple kiss to the forehead.

She smiles in return.

We soon reach the kitchen with Denise sitting on the ground and Ponyboy standing beside her. "The hell was all the screaming about?"

Denise points up "Like excuse me don't you people lock the doors at night. Creatures like this can get in."

Cherry rolls her eyes "Don't you know the adopted child should shut up before she ends up back in the home." She smirks when she said this.

I hear Denise growl, I knew that if she wasn't hurt she would pounced at Cherry without hesitation. I give her a gentle kick to the side which caused her to look at me. I mouth its okay to her.

Denise looks like she was about to cry, and Y/N took note of this "Cherry I have nothing to say to you, and neither does anyone else. Now get out of my house before I call the cops. This is breaking and entering, and after what you just said you lucky I don't throw hot water in your face."

Denise smiles as I sit Y/N down, she crawls over to Denise and place her good hand on Denise's shoulder "Its okay you're part of our family." Denise gives a small smile but doesn't say anything.

Pony takes Cherry by the shoulder and walks her to the door. He doesn't say a word the whole time. He just opens the door and walks away.

"I bend down and mess up Denise's hair "Cheer up kiddo look at how many people love you."

Denise nods before crawling back up the stairs.

"I'm worried about her." Y/N says. "She can't keep living in a place like that. I can't either! Its killing us! We can't take it anymore!"

I pull Y/N in my lap letting her lean her head in my chest "I know baby. I know."

Y/N cries slightly and I feel all her pain rush through me. All the hate that she's feeling. All the mean comments. All the harsh words. All the objects from family. I never received any of that. My family supported my one hundred percent. The next thing I know was I was crying into her hair.

Denise's POV

I sit on the top stair away from everyone and everything. I hated the hate I received. I hated the fact that I was adopted into the family. I hated Cherry. I hated all these rules we had. I lean my head on the wall thinking about when I was little and was in a home. Even there I was picked on for being different.

I walk down the long hallways as all the kids around me play with friends. I smile as I rush over to a small group "HI! Can I play?"

A girl looks me up and down "Sure you can play.... We're playing hero. We're the hero's and your the victim."

I smile as we walk outside and near the small lake that was near the home.

"One. Two. Three." Manda says counting.

A group of boys push me in the lake.

I scream "Help me hero I can't swim. Please hurry I really can't swim! MANDA!"

Mrs. Kane walks out and helps me. I was alone and they didn't bother to help. I cried in the barn that night. All the days leading up to my adoption was me staying outside.
**End of flashback**

"I can't take this anymore!" I say. I'm not the same useless child I used to be, and things are going to change. I forget about my broken bones and wobble downstairs. I push Y/N hair out of her eyes and noticed she was crying, in fact they all were. "This is it its time we change this! Its time for a revolution!"

Pony nods his head "It is time for a change I can't stand seeing y'all cry like this."

Soda stands up with Y/N still in his arms "I agree."

"I'm in if everyone else is."

I nod my head "Good. Good. Good. Go pack everyone it starts tonight."

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