Chapter 23

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A/N: Okay everyone this human being right here actually made me cry HidanIsLife01 ! Many other people voted and added to their reading list and it just makes me so happy. A story I started out as a joke become my most read!! Anyhoe on to the story my mighty readers!!! P.S. Adding everyone else at the bottom!!!!!!!!!

Your POV
Its been three days since Soda told me about the wedding.

"Y/N dinner is ready!" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Coming!"I reply. As I go to my door my phone goes off in my purse. I pull it out and see I have a message from Denise.

Denise: What's up my how
Me: Hey
Denise: that all I get is a hey?
Me: You sound like a clingy girlfriend
Denise: If that's all I'm going to get is a hey than we're through Y/N Damn I can't believe you I gave you everything and you just tell me hey? Don't you ever talk to me anymore no apology would ever fix this problem!
Me: .........
Denise: You called me a clingy gf so I played my part. Meet me outside in two minutes
Me: My mom made dinner
Me: Its a school night Denise
Denise: JUST DO IT

I put my phone back up and go downstairs "Hey mom I'm going out with Denise. She's picking me up in two minutes."

"You know I always hear stories but have never meet her. I should probably meet her today."

"Bye mom!" I shout and run outside.

Denise was waiting by the road "Aye what's up girl!?"

"Shut up." I roll my eyes getting in the passenger side of the car.

"So I was thinking we go shopping for my outfit, get your hair done and mine, and get dinner. I'm a fat bitch that needs food!" Denise says.

"Okay I was kinda hoping Soda will be here."

"Soda this. Soda that. Blah blah blah blah blah! Tonight its just me and you and we're going to make this town remember our names!"

"Okay I'm not going to jail because of you!!!!!!"

Denise laughs "We're not okay damn." She starts driving.

I hum along to the radio and the songs that I actually knew. Soon Denise stops at a Bridal shop "Getting my dress custom made here."

"Why have it custom made?"

"Okay let's not ask questions!" Denise says going inside the store.

"Can I help you?" The lady asks.

"I'm here to pick up my dress the names Denise."

The lady up front goes behind some curtains "Lady Buitquit Miss. Denise is here to pick up her dress."


"The young girl with the small breast."

"What the hell?" Denise says laughing "That hurts but is also the truth!"

Lady Buitlet I think walks out "Ah Miss. Denise how good to see you again."

"Ah my lady!" Denise says excited but frowns when both lady's walk to the back "Why did I get my dress from here."

The first lady comes back with a light blue, short, and lacy dress, the sleeves hang off the shoulders and went down to make wings. "Is this your dress."

"Indeed it is!" Denise takes the dress and gives the lady a credit card.

We soon leaves there and once again headed on our first and main mission. To get our hair styled.

"Hey I need food like right now!"

"Same though!" I agree.

We pulled into a all you can eat and wait to be seated.

"I'm getting everything and I'm going to regret it later."

I nod as a guy leads us to a table.

"Please help yourself ladies I'll be back with your drinks." He gives us a smirk and walks away.

Denise gladly stands up and rushes over dragging me with her. "Eat up I'm buying."

I fix a plate and hurry back to my seat, Denise was behind me when I felt a tap on my butt.

Denise and I both turn around looking at the guy from before holding a tray in both hands "Excuse me ladies."

I shake my head "I don't like this." I whisper.

"It'll be fine."

"Well it?"

"Yes things will be fine!"Denise said.

The guy waiter comes back and trips spilling drink on my white skirt "Oh my mistake. We have some pants in the back if you want to change."

I hurry and take a seat the guy looking at me like I'm stupid.

A/N: Cutting it here and finishing it in the next chapter!!!!!

Shout Outs:
💚 wicked_survivor
💙 blackcat77717
And many more
Love you my beautiful butterflies

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