Chapter 40 Part 1

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A/N: Hey what's up you guys it's Denise here once again with my coauthor Morgan.
Morgan: I have no idea what to say, but um... I hope you all liked the last chapter and are ready for the surprises that awakes you.
Denise: Okay first I would like to give an amazing author a huge shout out y'all if you don't have webtoons you should totally go download it or read it through Google. My main favorites are Lookism and Noblesse. You would not be disappointed. And yes like Morgan said I hope you are all ready for the surprises we have in store for you guys and gals! Please do not hate me or him. Also guys 7.63K reads Holy shit! Thank you all for voting and commenting it really makes my day. I love you all! 💙💘
Morgan: She talks to much I know 😂

"How am I going to tell Soda? How am I going to tell Pony boy? How am I going to tell Darry or Steve? Holy shit my parents!!!!" I stare out the window with all these thoughts rushing through my head.

"Will you shut up and stop panicking you're going to hurt that baby inside of you. And as the God mother I don't want my God Child hurt." Denise tells me.

"What Denise was trying to say is don't worry I'm sure Soda won't mind I mean he isn't a virgin he should have known to use something dang.(It was my ideas ladies so plz don't kill me.-Morgan) Ponyboy would probably not care. And for the rest of them tell them to grow up and get their big girl or boy panties on. They are not two and they should stop acting like it." Morgan says pulling up at my house.

I nod my head in agreement than it finally hit me in the face with a baseball bat what he just said about Soda "He's not a virgin?"

"Morgan if you don't keep your trap shut I will shut it for you. Don't think I won't." Denise says undoing her seatbelt and climbing over the center console.

"No no don't stop talking. Please to tell who it was with. Since you both are hiding something and Denise over here is looking really suspicious. Denise did you sleep with Soda? Or was it little Mr. Have to be gay over here?" (I swear I'm not homophobic your author is gay herself-Denise)

"Let's all calm down and go inside for a glass of tea shall we? Yes, tea calms the nerves and would be really great right now. How about I make some cheesecake?"Denise says letting go of Morgan and trying to rub my hair.

"You really think I'm falling for that shit? So it was you? Oh my god. You out of all people I would have never thought you would betray me like this." I get out of the car and slam the door behind me "I want you off my property and out of my life."

"Damn the pregnancy hormones are already working this early? But what ever you say my lady." Denise rolls her eyes before getting in her car and leaving.

"And you kept this away from me? How could you Morgan?"

Morgan throws his  hands up "To my ofence I promised Soda I wouldn't say anything and now that I think about it I shouldn't have. Denise swore that she wouldn't say anything either and that's were we stand. If you want to know maybe hit up your boyfriend when he gets home. I should probably go I have to clean this junk out of my car ."

"Yeah sure leave a pregnant girl all home alone to face this country by herself. You know someone could break in and kill me!"

"I'm sure they won't."

"Or try to kidnap me!"

"I'm 100% sure that they will bring you back in under ten minutes so you literally have no problem to worry about." Morgan says. I huff before walking inside my house. I slide down the door frame until I'm sitting with my face buried in my knees.

Denise's POV
I get at the Curtis brothers house and stare at the open door. I know that Darry was still at work, so it'll be Two-Bit and Pony home. I take a deep breath before walking in the door. I bite my bottoms lip to stop myself from crying.

"What's up Blondie?" Two-Bit asks. When I didn't respond he knew something was wrong "Hey you okay?"

I nod my head slowly as Pony walks downstairs.

"Something wrong with the chick." Two-Bit says pointing at me.

"What's wrong? Pony asks wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I-t's.... FUCK I can't say." I say running and jumping on the couch. "I swear I'm loosing my god damn mind!"

"Can't loose something you never had." Morgan says walking in the front door. "Hey I came to check up on her is she okay?"

"No idea she's nor herself for some reason today and I don't like it." Pony says sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I don't like it either she's not back talking me or sassy me ."

"She started to tell me than she stopped mid sentence only to tell me she can't tell me." Pony says sighing.

"If I let you in you just want out if I tell you the truth you fight for a lie." I mumble "Look a lot has happened today and I'm just not in the mood."

Morgan pulls Pony aside and starts whispering something to him. I heard only parts of it "Denise........... We promised........ It's not that easy........ It's killing us both....... Nope...... No I can't say I word........" That's all I managed to get before they both came back. Morgan sit on one side of me and Pony on the other. I lay my head in Pony's lap and put my feet in Morgans.

Two-Bit brings us sodas, popcorn, and blankets as he put on Micky Mouse "Y'all Micky's the real shit."

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