Chapter 33

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Soda's POV

"I think it's time we take our leave." I say.

"Nope you two stay the other two boys can get out of our room!" Denise says.

"We have names you know that right?" Morgan says.

"Yeah, I know I just forgot them." Denise says shrugging.

"The deals off Mrs. These girls are idiots!" Alex yells.

Morgan and Alex start to walk out of the room but Denise throws a pillow at them.

"Get your ass back in here." Denise says "What do you mean the deals off Mrs?"

"No reason we really should be getting home." Morgan grabs Alex's shirt and tries dragging him out.

I grab Ponyboy and we block the exit "The girl asked you a question. Now are you gonna answer it or not?"

Morgan shakes his head.

"Now, now, now, don't ya know its not right to disrespect a lady?" Pony grabs Morgan and turns him around "Now answer her question."

"Yeah, what plan?" Y/N asks.

"Your moms made it damn let us go you psycho!" Alex says.

"Our moms made what?"

"A plan telling us to go out with you two. Maybe it was just a phrase. Can we go now?"

"You can leave in a body bag if that's what you like." Denise says smiling and getting out of bed.

"We'll just go." Alex says grabbing Morgan and running down the stairs.

"Now since you boys are already here and its hella late why don't you spend the night." Y/N suggested us.

"Yeah, what the heck were you thinking? Coming to our side of town when its night time. You both could have gotten hurt!" Denise says lighting slapping Pony.

"What can we say ladies. We just had to come see you two and its a good thing we decided to too." I say.

"Well now that your here you can do a lot of stuff for us actually." Denise says.

"We cams here to spend time with y'all not work." I whine.

Y/N looks over at Denise and winks "Soda come closer."

I raise my brow but does as she says. "Yes love?"

Y/N smirks at me before pulling me in bed with her good arm "Hai!"

I laugh before giving her a small kiss on the forehead.

Pony helps Denise back to bed and sits down beside her.

"We need to get away from this freaking town." Y/N mumbles before placing her head on my shoulder.

"Maybe things will change for the better." I say.

"Nah let's stay and show these fucking bitches what happiness really is." Denise says.

"Girl they will set the house on fire." I say.

"If we're socs and they're greasers would that make us all middle class?" Y/N asks.

"My point we can move to the middle of the town and they can't say anything to us." Denise says.

"Your forgetting that we haven't finish high school yet lady." Pony says.

"Pony I will kick you out this bed. Don't test me."

I laugh "They already act like a married couple so we might as well."

"Let's get some sleep I have a few words for my mom tomorrow." Y/N says.

I nod placing a pillow between me and her so I wouldn't hit her leg. "I agree its like what midnight?"

"Its only 9:56." Denise says looking at her phone.

"Dang what time did we go to sleep?"

"No idea boo no idea." Denise says "Anyways good night my sexy people!"

I love you my beautiful butterflies

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