Chapter 30

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A/N: So two things
1. I have a job interview Tuesday so wish me good luck guys.
2. I'm thinking about doing a special Halloween Update comment below if I should or not. It will not follow along with the story.
Soda: Okay Denise if you don't hurry up with the story
Me: I'm sorry Senpai

Third Person POV
While Y/N and Denise lay in bed taking to Soda and Pony the girls parents stood outside the hospital talking to themselves.

"You know they are just going to keep seeing them no matter what we say. We might as well allow them to do so." Denise's mother said.

"We can't allow that to happen mom. We're be the out cast just like them." Cherry says.

"Its just a rebellion phase they are going through at the moment. They'll get over it and when they do we'll be there for them. They probably just haven't meet any good looking socs that are just right for them yet." Y/N's mom says.

"I can not believe the words I am hearing at the moment." Cherry says.

"That sounds like a good idea Y/M/N /Your mom's name). Denise's mom says "We allow them to date the greasers. You're probably right once they meet some good looking socs they will get over them boys in a heart beat. Its a swell plan. Cherry you must know some guys make sure to bring them by my house one day this week. Y/M/N make sure you bring Y/N when I call you."

"That sounds like a plan." Y/N's mom says.

Cherry rolls her eyes but nods anyways.

They make their way to the girls hospital room.

"It can't be that bad." Ponyboy tells Denise.

"You must have never broken a bone before have you? In case you haven't yes it hurts like fucking hell." Denise says pointing at her leg.

"Denise watch your mouth this instance!" Denise's mother warns her. "But we have good news."

"We can leave this place?"Y/N says.

"Nope not yet but you'll be happy when we tell you this. You two are allowed to date the boys. No more sneaking out and lying to us. We have to know where you are every second. And you can't go out until your injuries heal." Y/N's mom says.

"YEEEEEEE!" Denise screams.

Everyone in the room covers their ears.

"Keep it down love." Ponyboy tells her.

Soda grabs Y/N's hand giving it a soft kiss "Well love we have a new future ahead of us. So your bones need to hurry up and heal "

"Soda baby telling my bones to hurry up and heal won't make them heal any faster. You have to remember what we went through today." Y/N tells Soda.

"So Denise I have a question." Soda says looking over to the other girl in the hospital bed.


"Why did you want us to look like this?" He asks.

"I wanted people to see you the way me and Y/N does. When we look at you we don't see greasers. We see two amazing people that nobody understands. Two amazing people that we love. You will do anything in your might to save the people you love. I see knights and princes." Denise says.

"So you want me to start dressing like this?" Ponyboy asks.

"Hell no! I love your greasy slick back and messy hair. And your shirts are cozy to wear."

"What about you sweetheart?" Soda asks Y/N.

" I don't know I didn't like all the grease."

Soda looks taken back.

"I was joking I love you no matter what you're wearing."

"But that's one of our rules. You boys have to be dressed nice in order to take our daughters out." Denise's mom says.

"I'll bring grease." Denise whispers.

"Nah I think we can pull this off." Soda says grabbing Pony and pulling him beside him "Beside we look pretty hot at the moment."

"Soda, Never again!"


"I said never again!" Denise says.

"You do look pretty hot though." Y/N says.

"Y/N do not encourage him!"

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