Chapter 20

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Denise's POV

"STOP!!" I yell.

Soda slams on break "We're not even close to your house yet."

I nod "Yea I know I'm going to walk to rest so my mom won't get noisy."

"But she knows you left with Y/N"

"Ugh fine just stop near the road." I say and he does what I say. I hurry out and slip a note under the front door before getting in my car. I crank up and leaved heading to Wilson's garage. I told my mom that I was taking Y/N to see about her car in the shop. That's why we're leaving Y/N's car there. I pull in Wilson's garage and Mr. Wilson gives me a huge wave.

"Good morning. Do you mind if we leave this car here, and you pretend to work on it. If anyone comes here looking for me tell them I went to Lias." I say as Soda stops getting out of Y/N's car.

"Sure thing love bug." He says giving me a giant smile.

"Let's go Soda." I say

"I'm driving."

"Heck nah this is my car!" I say holding the keys way out in front of me. "I don't even let Pony drive my car so what makes you think I will let you?"

"Because I have the keys." He says grabbing them right from me.

"Ugh fine! First stop is the Queen's closet."

"What the heck is that?"

"Are you really that clueless? Its a freaking clothing store." I say pointing to my right at a huge clothing store.

Back at the Curtis's house
"What is taking them so long?"

Two-bit walks inside "I don't know but look at what I found outside."

I stare at the picture "Okay its Soda and?....."

"Sandy Soda's ex." Two-bit tells me.

Ponyboy glares at Two-bit "I don't think that he wanted you to tell everyone!"

I put my hand up "Hush Pony! Two-bit read!"

"Okay fine little Miss. Pushy." Two-Bit says. "All it says is I can't wait to see you again Soda with a picture of them on the front."

"I'm going home." I say shaking my head.

"They have your car......" Steve points out the window "Remember."

I sigh sitting on the floor "WHEN THEY GET BACK I'M GOING HOME!"

Back with me and Soda
I hold up a bright yellow dress "Why would anyone want that?"

"I don't know I think it looks cute."

"Can I help you two?" A lady asks "Freaking hoods....." She mumbles that last part.

I whip around and glare at her "Excuse you!? You might want to watch your mouth before I get you fired!"

Mrs. Amanda the store owner comes rushing "What seems to be the problem?"

"These hoods think they can just walk in our store any time they want."

I smile politely "Hi auntie!" I look over at the girl who gives me a unknowing look.

"I-Im so sorry Mrs. Amanda. It was a unknowing mistake. She was dressed like a......"

My aunt raises her hand up "Hush and go clean up the back!"

The girl nods "Yes ma'am."

I kiss my aunts cheek "How are you auntie?"

"I'm very well my dear. What brings you and Po...." She looks over at Soda "That's not Ponyboy."

I laugh "No ma'am that's his brother. He's looking for a great gift for his girlfriend. She's a soc she we wanted to come here."

My aunt nods leading us to the very back of the room "Pick out any dress its on the house."

"Oh no I can't do that." Soda states.

"I said pick out any dress its on the house!" My aunt wants again assisted.

Soda nods gulping a little before going to a D/l (Dress length) Y/F/C (You're favorite color) "This one I guess."

"FABULOUS!" She said taking the dress from Soda "follow me up front."

We follow her as she wraps the dress in a cute little box with a yellow ribbon.

"Bye auntie thanks for everything!" I say as we exit the store. "Okay next stop she needs some shoes, a necklace, and earrings. I'm taking her to Jewel's hair salon there I will do her hair myself."

"Why don't you just do it at the house?"

"Okay look I help and work at Jewel's hair salon. I get paid if I cut hair there."

"Why do you need a extra job? You're already are a soc."

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

We gather the rest of the outfit and go back to Wilson's garage. Soda grabs Y/N's car and we head back to the Curtis's home. I told Soda he can drive Y/N home and I'll take him back to his house before going home myself.

Soda jumps out of Y/N's car just as Y/N steps out of the house's door.

"Give me my keys!" She says.

"Here. Its everything okay?"

"I found your little picture!"


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