Chapter 19

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Soda's POV

I stare at Denise hoping that I'll get her attention. All last night I've been thinking of the picture Sandy sent me. I was hoping I could talk to Denise about it. Breakfast was this dead silence and it was literally killing me. I sigh heavily and that's when everyone looked at me.

"You good pop?" Denise asks looking at me with a raise brow.

I nod my head "Yeah, but umm Denise could I like maybe talk to you after breakfast alone." I look at Ponyboy when I said alone.

Pony raised his hands up as Denise nods "Yeah sure I'm actually done with breakfast. Let's get out of here before I go insane." (I literally burst out laughing on a bus while writing this)

I led Denise outside and down to the empty lot.

"I don't mean to rush you but KINDA FREEZING HERE!"

I raise a brow looking at her still in her shorts and tee shirt "Okay fine I'll get on with it." I take a deep breath pulling out the picture "No one must know about this yet."

Denise nods head "Okay."

"Denise I'm not joking. No one must know about this yet not even Pony I'm trusting you."

"Omg Soda I get it come on before you be talking to a frozen body."

I laugh "Okay so anyways...... I received this picture from Sandy..... Two gave it to me last night. I've actually been thinking about it a lot. I mean me and Y/N only been dating for two months. Its not that long but I don't think it'll matter........"

Denise cuts me off before I can even finish "Okay listen here. I know I'm dating your brother and I need to stay on your and Darry's good side, but at the moment I don't care. You break up with Y/N to go back with the girl that hurt you last time I will save her the trouble next time and personally rip your heart from your chest myself. Do you understand me Soda!?"

I nod my head laughing at her "Oh my god Denise chill. Sandy's getting married. She invited me to the wedding. This picture is the first day I met her and she asked if we could go back meaning be friends again."

"If that's the case why say don't tell anyone?"

"Because I was going to see if Y/N wanted to go with me, but I wanted to get her something first. You're a female so I wanted your help picking her out a gift. I know she's a soc so she wouldn't want any little gift."

"Soda shut up. Social class doesn't matter. Y/N would love anything you give her. But if that's what you want ill help you buy it too."

"No Denise I want to pay for everything."

"Soda I love you but the way you're talking...."

I glare at her "What you trying to say Denise?"

"I'll hire you!"

"Sure why the hell not. Let's go!" I take her hand and start walking towards town.

Denise stops me "Okay slow down Pop! I'm not wearing this in town, and we're taking a car to go to my side of town."

I mentally slap myself "I'm so stupid."

"Indeed you are." Denise says walking back to the house. "Honey I'm home!" She shouts walking in.

"Honey I'm home too!" I shout after her. Y/N comes running and jumps in my arms. I smile giving her a kiss on the cheek "So love how much do you love me?"

"A lot why?"

Denise smiles hugging Pony "So Pony how much do you love me?"

"Denise what did you do?" Pony asks.

Denise gasp "I did nothing dang. Soda wants my help with something and I wanted your permission."

"You're a person Denise you don't have to have my permission to do anything."

Denise smiles "Good." She goes upstairs and comes back in jeans and one of Ponyboy's shirt "In that case I'm wearing your shirt, and Y/N we're taking your car mines at home. Grabbing mine on the way." She grabs Y/N's keys before she could even reply and run outside.

"My keys!" I hear Y/N say before I run out after Denise. 

"Really?" I question her. 

"Hey how bout you shut up and get in the car I'm driving."

"Um how about not. I have never had a female drive me anywhere and I'm not about to start now. Especially since it's my girlfriend's car." I say grabbing the keys out of Denise's hand. 

"You're a butt Sodapop Curtis and I hope you know that." Denise says getting in the passenger side "By the way stopping by my house first to get my car......." 

I sigh "But that'll take to long........... and why do you need it?"

"I have to go home right after this before Cherry has a cow." 

I nod my head sitting off for the road. 

A/N: Enjoy the meme my loves <3 

I love you all my beautiful butterflies 

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