Chapter 34

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I wake up to a smiling Soda.

"Good morning princess!" Soda says.

"Good morning!" I reply smiling back at him.

"Good morning princess." Pony says to Denise.

Denise rolls over in bed staring at him "Excuse you? Princess? I'm the mother fucking queen."

Pony sighs "One of these days. Bam right over the old kisser."

"Your right Soda they do act like a old married couple." I say.

Denise laughs "We've been friends for so long we can joke like this in our relationship."

"Yeah, that's makes a relationship fun. I mean you don't want a relationship where you don't trust each other, can't joke with each other, or stuff like that." Pony says.

"Hey Soda baby take notes." I say joking with him.

"Oh no way am I taking dating advice from my kid brother." He says.

"Le gasp! Is the Soda jealous that he's little brother can give better advice?" Denise mocks him jokingly.

"Le gasp! Does the infamous Denise want to fight? Oh that's right she can't because she's injured." Soda says.

I elbow Soda in the side "Shut up before she gets up and beats you with a crutch."

"Ah true my fair lady." He says.

"Y'all I smile bacon!!" Denise says.

"Only you would smile bacon this early in the morning." I say.

"What time is it?"

"2 a.m." Soda answers.

"What the actually fuck?" Denise says before grabbing her crutches.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask Denise.

"Okay excuse you hoe I'm a fat ass that is going to run at the smell of food. So excuse me for loving food so freaking much. Like do you not know food is life? Do you know how much food means to me? Do you not know how much food should mean to you? Food is good? Food is great? Nope, food is fucking life bitch!" Denise rants.

I throw my good arm up in defense "Damn girl go get your food."

"I will." Denise says leaving the room.

"LET ME KNOW IF IT'S MY MOM." I shout after her.

"I'll see." Pony says following behind Denise.

I stare at Soda "Do you really think moving on our own is a good thing? I mean we are still young. We don't know what the future holds for us. What if things changes here? What if our house gets burned down? Oh my god this is a risk. Am I ready to take it? Yes I am ready to take it, but are you? I mean we have to think about our families and......"

I get cut off by Soda kissing me gently.

He pulls away "You talk to much do you know that? Everything is going to be fine I promise. Things will change and we'll be the start off it all. The future will be bright even if the past was dark." He takes my hand in his. "I love you and I want you to know that."

"I love you too Soda." I reply.

We hear a scream come from downstairs and Denise's voice "What are you doing in here!"

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