Chapter 36

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Sodas POV

It was midnight and here we are at Y/N's house. The girls messaged us saying to come as fast as we can as soon as their casts got off. "Its to early for this love." I complain "And I have work tomorrow."

Denise looks at me "Did you two even pack like we said to do?"

Y/N told me to take her car and pack as much clothes as we could inside. Apparently they had this great plan but wouldn't tell us what it is.

"Okay so we give. Now tell us this great plan that you two have." Pony says.

"Okay we're thinking about running away." Y/N says.

"Okay the last time I ran away I lost two friends and ruined my hair. I think I'm good on that part." Pony says.

"Its not your normal running away." Denise says.

"Nope we already bought a house in the country, and we have all kind of money packed. I think we can do this." Y/N says.

I take a deep breath "Okay I'm in if I can be with Y/N."

"I don't know look how much we have to give up." Pony says.

I look at Pony with a questionable look.

"We're giving up family, love ones, friends, and who knows what else."

"But think about all the things we can change by doing this." Y/N says.

Denise sighs "Maybe Pony's right." She sits on Y/N's bed "Everything will be changing and what happens if nothing happens? We will loose everything."

I take Y/N by the hand "That's a risk I'm willing to take if it means I will forever be with Y/N."

Y/N smiles and kisses my cheek "Are you guys sure you're not coming with us?"

Denise and Pony look at each other before both nodding their heads.

"I have to stay and make sure Cherry doesn't do anything stupid."

"And you know I will have to stay and make sure Darry  will be okay."

"This won't be the end guys. I hope you know that. We'll come visit and you better come visit us too. So help me if you forget about us we will come all the way down here and kick your asses." Y/N says.

Denise laughs before hugging Y/N tight "I love you girl never forget that and of course you're not going to be forgotten."

"Group hug." I say pulling everyone close to me. "I can't believe this is it."

Pony hits me upside the head "Will you shut your trap? Its not the end and you guys might want to leave before morning comes."

I nod taking Y/N by the hand as Denise and Pony carries our stuff to Y/N's car.

We bid our goodbyes for now and we set forth to the country. Denise told us what house she had bought for us. Than reality hits me. What if things don't go as I plan for them to go? What if things happen and turn into the worst?

Denise's POV

I take Pony back to his house and sit at the kitchen table staring out the window. That's when I receive a phone from Y/N's mom.

Y/M/N: Hey Denise do you know where Y/N is?
Denise: She moved out
Denise: I have ears you know no need to yell

I hang up the phone and face Pony "Welp this sucks balls."

Pony nods his head and comes join me in the kitchen.

Soda told Darry that he was moving in with Y/N and he didn't mind all that much. But we know deep inside it still hurt him.

"At least I get a room to myself now......"

"You know what's bad? I lost my best friend. I will never get to see him again." Steve says.

"Grow up he just moved out."Darry  says as he throws a egg at Steve.

I laugh slightly "Egg to the face."

"Oh you want to go little lady?" Steve says turning to face me, wiping eggs off his face.

"So you can get your ass kicked by a girl?" I say laughing and I get tackled out the chair by Steve "ARK!"

A/N: Your author Chan is trying to finish up this story.

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