Christmas Special (Part 1)

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A/N: Just like the Halloween Special just totally different. Hope you all enjoy. Also don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends. I enjoy reading all the comments, and am really great-ful for all the votes and reads this little story gotten in only 4 years (going by grade years not actual years. 7-11.)

Y/N was driving to the Curtis' brothers house on Christmas eve. Even in this part of town everything was decorated in fake snow, lights, and every once in a while a snowman stands proudly in the yard. The snow fell gently and was very peaceful.

"Come on can you be any slower?" Y/N says to a black car in front of her. She gives a honk to let the driver know other people are behind her.

The driver reaches her hand out flipping Y/N off. The only reason Y/N knew it was a girl was the hand hand red painted nails, was wearing a blue ring, and had a bracelet with her school name on it.

Y/N gasp realizing that the hand belong to her friend Denise "That little ass just flipped me off."

Y/N arrives at the brothers house and sure enough it was Denise that has flipped her off. Y/N smirks knowing that she'll get her back later on today.

"Hey did you know that you flipped your best friend off?" She asks Denise.

Denise turns around with a basket full of presents "Don't you know its not nice to honk at someone when they can't go in the first place? I had the snowmobile in front of me removing the snow off the road."

"Oof oh well should have left earlier." Y/N responds.

Denis rolls her eyes and gets trampled by the brothers as they rush outside with Two-bit and Steve. "FUCK!" She yells as all the presents come crashing to the ground below her.

"Hope nothing in there was glass....." Two-Bit says rubbing the back of his neck.

Denise glares at the boys "Someone is helping me pick all this up."

"Soda will." Y/N says as she pushes him in front of her.

"B-but I wanna play in the snow." Soda pouts.

Y/N gives him a stern look "You did it so you help clean it up an place it under the tree."

"We were supposed to have a tree?" Darry asks.

"Do you really not have a tree?" Denise asks.

"Well we do put we haven't had time to decorate it yet." Pony replies.

"What have you guys been doing this whole time than? You guys had a entire month. You knew we were coming over today." Y/N says aggravated.

"You wanna know what I've been doing?" Darry says "I've been watching immature children." He points to Steve who jumps on Two-Bits back.

Y/N and Denise nods their heads "Okay you're let off the hook for now, but that just means we have to decorate, cook, build a snowman, put out milk and cookies for Santa, put up lights and make this the beat looking house on this block." Denise says.

"And do you have all of what you just said kind of money?" Soda says raising an eyebrow.

Y/N opens her trunk and takes out boxes and boxes of lights, ornaments, tensile, mistletoe, and holly. "I already got that covered."

"I have all the presents in my car along with the food. And soda get up the ones you made me drop like your girlfriend told you too."

Soda huffs "Fine." He goes to clean up the mess.

"So I was thinking about doing Santa on the roof...... Who would like to help put him up there?" Denise asks looking at the roof.

"Okay you came down but umm this is our house." Darry says.

"You're right Darry." Y/N gives him the box "This is your house so you get to put it up. The ladder is out back."

Darry  sighs but leaves to put it up.

Pony walks to Denise "Need any help?"

"Yes actually you can hang mistletoe above every door in the house." She gives Pony a huge box.

"Damn how much kissing do we have to have?" Two-Bit asks.

"Hey Keith how bout you do something instead of watching everyone else?" Y/N tells him.

Pretty soon the outside of the house was decorated very nicely. They all agreed to come back and play in the snow once the inside gets finished.

Soda and Two-Bit were the first two in the house but Two-Bit stops and grabs Soda pointing at the mistletoe above them both.

Soda takes off running "Nope! Nope!"

"You're just running under more. Come back and let me kiss you."

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