Halloween Special

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"Boys and girls of every age wouldn't you like to see something strange?" Denise sing song the music that was playing in the haunted house.

Pony elbows her in the rib "Will you stop? You're not part of the show."

Denise shrugs "Bow down mortal one! For I am Denise the vampire queen here to kill you all!"

It was now Y/N's turn to hit Denise "If you wanted to be part of the act why didn't you?"

"I was actually supposed to be. I just decided to join you guys and see if I can scare the shit out of some of all."

"Good luck Niece. Nothing scares me." Soda says.

"Just wait! I will release all your deepest darkest fears into this world. Is your fear spiders? Clowns? Being alone? The dark? Loosing the love of your life? Me? Or is your darkest fear YOURSELF?" Denise says doing a evil laugh before disappearing.

"Okay let me rephrase that I'm not scared of anything but that chicks that just disappeared. How did she even do that?" Soda says.

"She was part of the act the whole time. She knows us by heart to so we might be scewed actually. She will not stop until she scares us all." Ponyboy stats.

The gang continues making their way through the haunted house. Blood drips off the wall and onto the people walking below it.

"You'll float too! You'll float too? You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too! You'll float too!" A little boys voice sings in the background.

"See this isn't scary at all!" Y/N says.

"HAI Y/N! Do you want a balloon?!" Pennywise says.

Y/N jumps "How did you know my name?"

Pennywise opens his mouth showing all his tiny and huge teeth "I know everyone around these parks Y/N. Are you scared yet?"

"Nope not really." Soda says.

"You will be you stupid drink!" Pennywise gives Y/N a red balloon.

Once again the gang was on their way no one knew where they was going or where they would end up.

"I'm a little scared now......." Pony says.

A evil laugh echo's through the halls of the building before Denise appears again. Her eyes shining red, her hair white, blood drips down her mouth "Welcome to hell!". She pushes a body to the ground "Would you look at the time? Its time for my 9 o'clock feeding. Who shall I get first?" She rushes over to Pony and "pretends" to bite his neck.

"Ow what the heck Denise you actually bit  me?!" Pony grabs his neck as blood slowly drips down.

"Well time to find a new boyfriend. This ones dead? How about you Soda?" Denise says pushing Pony's body on the ground and walking to Soda pop.

"Witch I don't think so!" Y/N says.

"Hoe did you just call me a witch? I have never been so insulted in my whole life. The witch is in the next room if you want to see her that much." Denise says walking over to Pony.

"Ponyboy you coming?" Soda asks?

"Nah I'm actually part of the act too. Its all fake blood." He says.

So it was just down to two Y/N and Soda. They make their way to the witches room and than to the final room. The lights go out and Soda screams.

"Soda you're okay?" Y/N reaches out to grab his arm.

To her dismay the lights come back on and who she grabbed wasn't who she thought.

Y/N screams "What the heck?" She looks around and notice the room was made to look like a weeding but everything was all bloody. On the wall written in blood was the words "Marry me?" On the floor under the words was Sodapop Curtis with a knife through his chest and blood dripping everywhere. In his hand he held a diamond wedding ring.

"Your magic white rabbit has left its  writing on the wall. We follow like Alice and just keep dropping down the hole." Denise sings.

Soda arises and gets on one knee "So what do you say beautiful?"

"I say you guys all suck but yes!" Y/N says.

Denise laughs "Now who wants cook?"

"That depends is there fake blood on it too?" Pony ask.


"Honey you know that stuff isn't made for eating right?"

"Will you relax? Its home made fake blood. Nothing will hurt you inside of it so just chill."

Ponyboy nods his head "In that case yes let's get some cake."

"GOOD BECAUSE IT'S POISONED!" Denise says laughing.

"Why do I believe that?" Y/N asks.

"Oh my god you guys have a little Halloween spirit. Look at me covered in fake blood, makeup, and god knows what else at the moment." Denise says.

"sweetie I know that you love Halloween but not everyone does." Ponyboy says.

Denise glares at him "Who doesn't love Halloween can get the hell out of this room right this moment or else I will kill someone!" 

"I think it's time for me and my fiance to leave now." Soda grabs Y/N's hand.

"Remember everyone have a safe and happy Halloween. And if you don't like it......... I'll see you tonight!"  Denise says giving a evil laugh before she disappears herself.

Ponyboys stands there "Oh I get the last words? Happy Hallowe..............."

A/N: Happy Halloween my babes I hope you enjoy this little thingy and hope you enjoy Halloween today. I love you all! 

I love you my beautiful butterflies 

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