Chapter 5

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A/N: Once again sorry I haven't been able to update but this chapter will be your

date with Soda and Imma going ruin it along with Two-bit. ; )

Y/n Pov

I got dressed and headed out my front door. Soda said that we can go hang out at The Dingo but then i thought about since I didn't know him that well if we can go to the Nightly Double with denise and ponyboy. Today I decided to wear a bright pink shirt with blue jeans and yellow flats and since it was hot out to night i had my hair in a messy bun with a yellow ribbon to top it off. It didn't take long for Soda to come pick Denise and I up since she was at my house. Denise was wearing a black shirt with blue jeans and black heels. As Soda pulled up he got out out and opened the door for me. Soda was dressed nicely he was wearing a red button down shirt with blue jeans and tennis-shoes. I got in the front seat and looked at Pony to see that he didn't care about the way he looked since he was wearing a sleeve cut shirt and blue jeans with converses.

"So little lady what movie are we going to see tonight?"Soda asked. I laugheed since they never really played any movie that a person can pick.

"What ever they play Soda what ever they play."I said.

"Thats true thats true okay what about anything to eat or drink?"soda asked. (OMFG I want it)

"SodaPop Curtis I can pay for myself

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"SodaPop Curtis I can pay for myself."i said. I never really liked for my dates to pay for me.

"Okay then be a stubburn little lass then."Soda said running his hands through his hair. Many girls would eaisly jump on him when he did that, but me no I'm not like that.

We soon pulled into the drive in movies and got in the middle row. I hated sitting in the front but I also hated sitting in the back because you can't see. Tonight they where playing (favorite movie).

"Omg i love this movie let's go."i said sitting in my seat in the middle of the row. Soda sits next to me and Ponyboy sits next to him and then Denise.

Halfway through the movie Two-bit walks in behind us "hey there little lady." (OMFG Bring me the Horizen is onn *screams and faints*)

Ponyboy looks scared and he doesn't move but he slowly speaks "Hi Two-bit great to see you here."

"Whats wrong kid you looks like you just seen a ghost?"Two-Bit said laughing cause he scared Ponyboy.

Denise lools at Two-bit and slaps him across the head "Thats what you get for scaring him you big jerk."

"Well this is not the date I had planed."Sodapop said sighing. "My whole night is ruin"

"Cheer up kid at least it's not raining."Two-bit said and as if on time the rain comes.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkk."Sodapop said taking your hand and walking to his car.

Love you my little demon butterflies

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