Chapter 14

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I casually step out of my car and walk up to everyone keeping quite. I hear Denise take a deep breath before taking the letter from Soda "You see this. This is not my letter. I didn't write this and it has no meaning to me what so ever." Denise rips the letter in half. "If that's the case why did you deliver it? Why did you act so stupid? Why have you been lying to me?" "I-......." Denise stops looking over at me. I shake my head saying no. "Ponyboy I can't tell you. I'm sorry..........." "That's what I thought. Imma going home." Ponyboy said slowly walking away. Denise sighs looking at me and Soda "Welp....." I felt so bad so I gently hug Denise "I'm so sorry." Soda stares at the both of us "So who actually wrote the letter?" "Go home get dressed into something nice and meet back here in two hours." Denise said "There you will meet the one who wrote the letter. And when you go home hit Ponyboy and shove him in a sack and drag him here." "I'm pretty sure that's kidnapping Denise." I said. Soda stares at Denise his mouth slightly dropped "Dang girl you want me to kill my brother?!" "No I want you to bring him m I want him to know I'm not a lier." I laugh looking at Denise "Fine that much of a lier." Soda nods "I'll see what I can do. Bye Denise! Later soc." He walks off. My mouth slightly drops as he calls me soc and not Y/N. I shake my head running to the car to get changed. Tonight will be a fun night when I tell Soda I'm sorry and just hang out with him. As I was getting changed in the car Denise was sitting up a small romantic dinner under the stars.

Two hours later and I was still standing, waiting for Soda to show up in a flowing red dress. Two hours and thirty minutes has passed and still no Soda. I decides to give up walking to the fountain and sitting on it "What's the point?!" Denise stood beside the blanket wearing a black dress, holding a saxophone, and watching me. Denise jumps when Ponyboy and Soda shows up. "Ugh! Thought you said you wasn't lying, but here ya are." Soda grabs Ponyboy to stop him from going anywhere. "I don't think she's the one I'm supposed to meet." "Nope!" Denise said running in her dress and heels "Y/N they're here." She whispered but it was still a freight to me and I fell in the water below. Denise gasp and stares at me "DENISE!!" I yell. "Is that Y/N?" Soda asked running over to the fountain, Ponyboy following behind him. "What the heck?" "We'll let me finally explain to you pony. You see after Y/N did that to Soda I went after her to find out what happened. Kinda hit her too but she told me her parents made her. She didn't want to she she made the letter to come meet me and I would tell him to come back in a hour. I couldn't tell you at the time and I'm sorry, but really Soda? If I wanted soda I wouldn't have dated you in the first place, and again Soda!" Soda looks at me "Hey standing right here." I laugh as Soda helps me out of the freezing water "T-Thanks." Soda nods handing me his long sleeve red shirt "No problem."

We walk back to the blanket to find out it been totally trashed. "This night can't get any worst can it?" Just than a pile of tomatoes came raining down on us. "What the heck!!!!!!" Two-Bit comes running out "That's what you get for cheating on Pony....... Oh..... " Denise growls looking at Two-Bit "You little!!" She stops and laughs "You know what I'll let it slide since I get to hang out with you guys. I just need to shower right now before my skin breaks out." Soda spits tomato out if his mouth "TWO-BIT!!" "That's my que to go......." "Wait take my car to the Curtis house so we won't ruin it." Two-Bit keeps running. "SHE SAID HER CAR!" A loud sigh could be heard before he comes back and holds open his hands "Throw me the keys." Two-Bit was off and so was we. It was a peaceful and beautiful night out. Of course I was wet, cold, and covered in tomatoes, but it was worth it.

Social Classs Doesn't Matter (The Outsiders:Sodapop X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora