Chapter 39

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Its been a couple of weeks since that day. I was beginning to feel more and more sick with each passing day. I decided to give Denise a call to take me to the doctors since Soda was at work.

Denise came surprisingly fast and she stood beside the bathroom door in jeans, a T-shirt, a d a plaid over shirt. "Yo maybe you should hold back your hair."

"Well thank you little miss. I had no idea I should hold back my hair while PUKING MY GUTS OUT!"

Denise rolls her eyes taking a few steps into the bathroom , she kneels down behind me holding my hair back. "How bout I call Morgan to come help me?"

"Do you not see what the fuck I am wearing? I'm pretty sure Soda wouldn't like it if Morgan see's me in his shirt and underwear!"

"Okay calm your fucking tits before I stick your head in the toilet water. And so help me I will do it. I'm calling Morgan and no worries he'll rather be staring at Soda instead of you." Denise says grabbing her phone from her back pocket.

"Huh?" I ask staring up at her.

"Our Morg's a small gay bean so you have nothing to sorry bout love now get clean while I make this phone call."

I roll my eyes "Umm yeah that's not a problem at all if I wasn't so freaking weal holy shit."

Denise was already out of the room and didn't hear a thing I just said. I mumble trying my best to stand.
Morgans POV
I was getting ready to head to the store when my phone goes off. It was Denise. I answer feeling a little annoyed.
Me: What's up
Denise: Wazzup my how
Me: Heading to the store so if that's all you going to say I'll be taking my leave have a good day
Denise: You hang up on me I'll kick your ass all the way into next week
Me: What is it Denise
Denise: We have a tiny sick bean
Me: Who
My own question was answered when I heard Y/N's voice in the background "If you two don't hurry up!"
Dense: *to Y/N* We Will Dang
Me: I'll be there soon
I hang up with a sign rubbing my temples "One of these days I swear." I grab my car keys and rush out the door. Justin gives me a quick look and I just nods to him telling him not to worry.

I arrive at Y/N's house an hour later. Denise meets me at the door along with Y/N. Denise's arm was around Y/N helping her keep her balance.

"My dude's pregnant." I say getting inside the driver seat.

Denise puts Y/N in the back seat of my car and she gets in the front.

"Morgan if you don't shut up I will come up there and throw up on you."

"As long as you don't throw up in my......" I was cut up by the sound of Y/N throwing her guts out. "Hey I said not in my car! Why didn't you bring a bag? Do you know how much this car costs? I mean I didn't buy it my dad did but fucking still."

"And I'll do it again if you don't shut up!"

"Did you even call Soda Denise?"

Y/N glares at me from the backseat "Do not call him he's at work and I don't want him to worry about a stupid little virus."

"Okay it's all up to you sweet." I say letting it go as I pull up at the hospital.

Denise and I rush in to get a wheelchair and tell the nurse what's happening. "We have a pregnant lady here!!"

The nurse nods her head "Miss. Go ahead and get in we'll take you right back. Sir no need to worry about your girlfriend."

"Okay hold the phone one. I'm not pregnant. Damn am I really that fat? And second I'm not dating him he's my best friend. Third the pregnant lady is inside a car and is probably freezing her butt off as we speak.

"My apologies miss. Let's head out and grab her shall we?"

I never wanted to backhand someone this back in my entire life. "Yes let's before j get throw up in my car again!"

"You still mad about that?" Denise asks poking me in the side.

"I'm beyond mad my dude I'm pissed." I respond grabbing her hand and dropping it.

The nurse picks Y/N up and sits her in the wheel chair. "Now let's get you on back to the room and check on that baby shall we."

"We shall not because I'm not pregnant." Y/N says.

"Um sure you're not sweetheart. This must be your girlfriend she's a sweet little thing."

I facepalm "No no no no no no."

It wasn't long and we were all sitting in a tiny room with lots of machines. Y/N was hooked up to two an iv and a ultrasound.

The doctor came in the read the results "Well miss. Looks like your friends were right. Congratulations you're going to have yourself a bouncing baby boy or girl. We have no idea since its to soon to find out. But come back in a couple of months and we can tell you."



"What will Soda think?" Y/N asks.

"Well sweetie it's like this if he didn't want a baby you should have had sex with a guy or used a condom. It's that simple." Denise said throwing her hands up and waving them all around.

A/N: dun dun dun your authors are back and yes it is both of us this time. *claps are heard in the background*
Morgan: Thank you thank you I know you guys missed me
Get ready for the final chapter coming up soon and many surprises are to come. Readers beware you're in for the shock of your life!

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