The Restaurant Owner

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I found Jonghyun playing on a small piece of card while he's sitting on the couch. I've finished making our dinner and was about to call him when the phone rang. Jonghyun immediately answered the phone and this is making me jealous. Is she Jessica? What is she saying? Are they going to meet?

When Jonghyun hang up, I walked towards him and asked him. "Who's that?" I asked and he looked at me, smiling. "It's the owner of the restaurant. She told me that she'll meet me for some food tasting." He told me and I raised one of my eyebrow. "Okay then, when?" I asked and he smiled. "Later. She told me to go there alone."  I was taken aback with his words. Alone? With a girl? That might possibly be Jessica? "Why alone? Why can't I go with you?" I asked, kinda irritated. Is Jonghyun really cheating on me? "She just told me to go alone. Nothing more." Jonghyun told me and I think, he's hiding something. "Okay, go later. I'll wait here." I told him and he smiled. 

"Really? Oh, thanks Kibum!" He stood up and hugged me. "Sure. Anything for you, Jjong." I said and faked smiled. I'll catch up what's going on. If I caught you up cheating on me, I'll make sure, you'll never ever go back to Korea again. Ever.

"Let's eat." I told him and we walked together on the dining table, hand in hand. I placed a pizza that I made on his plate and a bowl of spaghetti. "Wow. Who's celebrating his birthday?" Jonghyun asked and his puppy eyes matched his cute face. Of only he has a tail, it's waggling for sure. "No one. I just want to cook spaghetti and that's all." I told him and his smile widen more as he tasted the noodles. "Hmmm.. This is delicious." Jonghyun complimented my meal and I smiled with satisfaction. "Thanks." 

After we finsihed eating our meals, Jonghyun helped me in cleaning the dishes and left to go to the restaurant. Of course, a few minutes after he left, I followed him. I reached the restaurant that he's talking about and entered. I can see Jonghyun talking to the girl with blonde hair. I wanted to see her face since I was facing her back. Jonghyun and her were only few meters away but I can see every details. 

The girl started playing on Jonghyun's shirt. I am now so angry with her flirty actions. Jonghyun isn't aware of the actions that the girl is doing but I am. The girl is now starting to touch Jonghyun's sharp jawline that only me is allowed to do that. I wanted to go over there to pull that girl's hair and confront Jonghyun but something's controlling me. 

The next thing that the girl had done is she leaned on Jonghyun and whispered something on his ears. My teeth are now clenching and I am so mad right now. I walked towards their direction and the girl turned her head. I gasped as I saw Jessica smirking at me. Jonghyun on the other hand is also smirking. What the hell is going on? 

"Kim Jonghyun." I called and both of them stood up. "I told you, Jonghyun. He is really jealous." Jessica said and Jonghyun smiled. "I know. He really is." He said and looked at me. "What's going on?" I asked the both of them and the people surrounding us, watched. "Good luck, Jonghyun." Jessica said and patted his back. "Thanks." Jonghyun said and turned back to me. "Jjong-" "Shh. Don't speak." He cut me off and he lead me to a stool. 

*to be continued*

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