Starting A New Life

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Starting to this point, this is going to be the Author's Point of View :)


Kibum and Jonghyun were preparing to go home with the new member of the family two weeks after Mi-Eun's successful operation. The couple couldn't help but feel excited as they took the almost two months old baby. The couple's friends and parents were also preparing a surprise. They planned to put up a party to celebrate the successful surgeries that the mother and daughter experienced.

"Jonghyun, don't forget the pillow.. Even though I hate staying at this hospital, I fell in love with that pillow." Kibum said that made the elder chuckle. "Yah! You love the pillow more than you love me?" Jonghyun asked. "Of course.." The younger joked and both of them laughed that made their daughter startled and cried. Both Kibum and Jonghyun got surprised and worried that they don't even know what to do to calm her down.

"Jjong, go get the bottle of milk from the blue bag, left pocket." Kibum said in details while Jonghyun was completely bewildered and nervous that his child might cry out louder since her wounds are not yet healed enough. Jonghyun, with shaking hands, reached the bottle of milk to Kibum. Kibum accepted the bottle with a smile and started to feed his baby girl. Unfortunately, Mi-Eun is not hungry. She started to cry louder than before and Kibum stood up to cradle her in his arms. Jonghyun sang a lullaby in order to help his husband in calming their baby down.

Both of them realized that parenthood is really this difficult and yet this is just the start of their new found life. Kibum slowly transfered Mi-Eun to Jonghyun's arms since his body is still not that strong enough to sway longer. After he settled Mi-Eun into Jonghyun's arms, Kibum sat and watched the two, father and daughter together.

Jonghyun is really cute whenever he's with a baby; Kibum thought that made him smile from ear to ear. Jonghyun successfully calmed their daughter down. He placed her back to her crib while both Kibum and him were busy packing their clothes and stuffs home.

On Kim's residence...

Taemin and Minho were busy decorating the wall with Mi-Eun and Kibum's "Welcome Home" banner. Taemin was somewhat oblivious that Minho was staring at him for who knows how long. Taemin smiled when he successfully attached the corner of the banner to the wall. While Minho was thinking of something.. of an explanation.

How can I tell him that I'm going home tomorrow? He asked himself while reaching the tape to Taemin who's now attaching the right side of the banner. I know that he's going to be really mad if I only told him now. He thought. Minho knew that the younger will go with him if he told him that he's going back to Korea. It's not that he wanted to leave his lover, he just want to prepare something that their future depends on it. Plus, Sulli also needs a company since school enrollment will start next week and she needs to go home as soon as possible.

He wanted to stay with the younger, of course but he also knew that Taemin should accompany his brother most especially that his brother was in this state.. depressed.

"Minho.. Minho!" Minho cleared his thoughts out when Taemin angrily called him. "What are you day dreaming for?" The younger asked that Minho just shrugged it off.

Everything's ready now except for the foods. Taemin went to the kitchen and checked on the two mothers cooking the meals. "This smells delicious, Mrs. Kim." Taemin praised and both Mrs. Kim answered in unison.

"Thank you, Taemin.."

"Thank you, Taemin.."

They both laughed at the awkwardness made by the mothers and continued cooking with the help of Taemin who's preparing for the desserts.

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