Good luck, Baby

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Today is Mi-Eun's surgery. Of course, I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be if your one and only daughter will undergo operation to fix her heart? Mi-Eun had freed from the incubator and she's ready. But before the doctors would deliver her to the operating room, they granted Kibum's wish.

Seeing Kibum smiling while holding our baby in his arms, I'm crying inside. I wanted to see more of this. The way Kibum held her cute and delicate hands, the way Mi-Eun looked at her "Umma", the way Kibum cried at the time Mi-Eun stared at him.. everything. I wanted more.

I drew closer to my family and stood beside Kibum's bed. I leaned forward to look at our dearest daughter and kissed her forehead. "Mi-Eun, baby... You can do it. You'll survive, right? Just be strong, my dear baby. Just for Umma and Appa." I heard Kibum said while crying and looking at our daughter's wonderful eyes. The doctor came in and greeted us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but Mi-Eun needs to go now." Dr. Kim said and took Mi-Eun from Kibum's arms. Before Dr. Kim could walk, he grabs her lab gown and asked her if he could kiss Mi-Eun. Dr. Kim nodded and my husband kissed our baby's forehead. One of the most touching scene that I had seen in my entire life. I wiped my tears from my cheeks.

"Jjong, you should go. Just tell me if her surgery's done. Okay?" He said and I gave a peck on his forehead. "Of course, Bummie. Just rest here and don't stress yourself, okay?" He nodded like a child and I chuckled at his cute reaction. "Alright. Sleep well."

Dr. Kim gave me a chance to say good luck to my beautiful daughter. I kissed her forhead and whispered "Good luck, baby" and "You can do it." to her. After that, she brought Mi-Eun inside and started the surgery. I sat on the empty bench beside the room, familiarizing everything on my surroundings.

I found myself lying on the bench when someone came out from the room. I quickly stood up and saw Dr. Joon walking towards me. I gave him a bow for respect and he hugged me tightly. "We made it." He whispered and I widen my eyes. I'm mentally jumping in joy and excitingly ran towards Kibum's room. Hearing the good news, Kibum couldn't control himself and cried. I hugged him so tight, trying to hush him from crying.

"God is really powerful." He said and we're both shedding our tears.

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