Officially Married

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(A/N: This is Jonghyun's point of view)

As the music starts, I, Kim Jonghyun became very nervous. My heart pumps faster than the normal speed. I looked at my father and he just simply smiled. Minho, my bestman, patted my back and whispered to me. "Congratulations, hyung. Good luck on your honeymoon later." Aish this guy! He's always thinking of honeymoon everytime there's a wedding. I focused myself on the walking Kibum. He's so beautiful with those white suit and white rose. I'm so lucky that I'll get married with him today.

"Hyung, relax okay?" Minho whispered again on my ears. He really have a good sense. Even though I'm not talking, he can see my nervousness. Well, isn't that obvious? Hmm... Breathe in, breathe out Jonghyun. There... RELAX, JONGHYUN! Okay, I'm crazy.

I looked at my future husband again and seriously, he's killing me. While he was walking, I can see his beautiful smile. Those smile that can light up my life. Those smile that made my world complete. Those smile, those precious smile that later will be mine. His feline eyes, his milky white skin, his beautiful frame... the way he walks, the way he moves his hips.. so sexy.. the way he moans... wait... what? Haha. Stop this dirty thoughts Kim Jonghyun. You are not going to be horny during this ceremony. This is dangerous.

I can't believe that this day is really happening. Why? Of course, Kibum and I had been through many difficulties. I went here in New York just to see him and thank God that He answered my prayers and He also gave me a bonus one... Well, I'm standing right here. Waiting for my groom to be. Wait a minute, am I getting so talkative? Haha. No. I'm thinking, right? Anyway, back to the wedding...

Kibum is still walking. Damn this long aisle. I can't wait to bring him up to the altar. I mean, this ceremony can just be stating our vows and saying "I do's" right? Why it has to be so long? Why do they need to stand up, sit down... stand up, sit down if we only need to state our promise in front of them? Ugh! What am I talking about... of course this ceremony should be special but.... I'M SO EXCITED! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MARRIED! I'm so impatient.

"Jonghyun... Jonghyun hyung..." I snapped back to the reality and I looked at my best man. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. "You're drooling, hyung. Are you daydreaming?" I touched the corner of my lips and yes, I am drooling. Minho offered me a handkerchief and wiped the drool out. I can see that Kibum is near and I need to be attentive.






"I, Kim Jonghyun, promise you, Kim Kibum that I will love you and cherish you forever. I promise that I will be the best husband that I could be and I will never ever leave you and protect you for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us apart."

"I, Kim Kibum, your beautiful and gorgeous husband, *laughs* promise you that I will take care of you, love you and be loyal to you forever. I'll do everything for you and will stay by your side for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us apart."

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to present to you Mr. and Mr. Kim Jonghyun. Mr. Kim Jonghyun, you may now kiss your husband."

As if on cue, I kissed my husband passionately. Proud to say that I'm already married to the most beautiful man, I'm very happy. I wish everything will turn out to be successful. I wish everything with him will always be magical. Thank you, Lord for giving me this life. Thank you Lord that I can do anything with him most especially now that we are officially... married.

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