Visiting Daegu Part 3

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We spent our whole afternoon at the park. Kibum could't help but fell in love with the beautiful view of our old hometown. I'm glad that he wants to stay here longer than in New York. He also wished that we'll live here if his condition will be okay. I agree with him though, but there are some instances that I should focus more on Kibum's health than granting his wish on staying here. America is more advance when it comes to medicine and I'm sure that he'll be safe there than here.

This is the final destination for this day. I brought him to the cinema hall where we used to watch movies. As I bought the ticket from the ticket stall, I saw Kibum sitting on the floor with his head on his knees. I ran to him fast, worried that something might happen to him.

"Are you okay, Kibummie?" I asked my husband and he lifted his head up to look at me. "Yeah. I'm just a little bit... Uhm.. dizzy." He replied. I helped him to stand up and we proceeded inside the hall. Kibum and I enjoyed the film and was completely satisfied with the story.

"Where do we want to go next?" I asked him. Kibum looked at me with a different expression and I am really worried. "Are you okay, Kibum? Do you want to go home now?" I asked again and he nodded. On our way home, he vomitted. I wanted to cry. I don't want to see him like this. He seems so weak.

"Bummie, I will take you to the hospital. Arasso?" I told him and I didn't got any answer. He just fell asleep in my arms. As we arrived at the hospital, I quickly called the doctor at the emergency room. I slowly put Kibum on the hospital bed after I carried his bridal style.

"What happened?" The nurse asked. "He vomits and felt so dizzy. Maybe he ate some poison or something.. Please save him. Please?" I insisted and the nurse nodded. "Alright sir, we'll do our best but please do not go inside. Authorized personnel only are allowed." And they closed the curtain.

I dialled my mother-in-law's number since they need to know what happened to their son. The only problem here is, she doesn't pick up her phone. I called Taemin and gladly, he did picked up. I told him all my worries and he told me that I should calm down first. Well, I tried to but you know, it's Kibum. I can't.

A few minutes later, the curtain opened. Strange facial expressions were seen from the hospital staffs. They called me as they were something unsual happened. I hope this is not serious...

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