Spending The Night

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Sleeping with Kibum in one bed makes me feel so happy. I finally felt how husbands feel whenever they are married to their love ones. Kibum's head was laid on my arms. His blonde locks smelled like strawberries, his beautiful face facing my chest and his body was so close to mine. He's really beautiful while sleeping. I wanted to kiss those beautiful lips of him. So.. cute.

I can see his lips pouting. What is he dreaming? He whines but between those whines, his lips were forming like he wanted to kiss someone. Is he kissing me on his dreams? I want to read his mind. If only I have super powers, why not?

"Hmm.. Jjong.." He spoke. I'm really curious of what he's dreaming about. Are we having sex there? Is he horny again? Okay, let me check his lower part... Nope. He's not hard. Haha. Am I pervert? I stroked Kibum's smooth cheeks to tell him that I'm here at his side. He opened his eyes and that's my mistake. "Jjong..?" He spoke when he saw me looking at him. "I'm sorry that I disturbed your sleep. You seemed like having a dream. Go back now." I told him and he smiled. "No, thanks. I want to spend my remaining nights with you."

"What do you want to do?" I asked him. "Can we just cuddle?" Then he moved up and hugged my naked chest. "I love to spend it this way." He continued and closed his eyes. "Do you want to go home?" I asked him and he lifted his head up to look at me. "What do you mean home?" To break his confusion, I stood up from the bed and walked to the cabinet. I pulled my bag and zipped it off. I can see Kibum's confused look until I brought out my surprise.

"Oh my god, Jjong... Are you serious?" He exclaimed and I shook my head as a response. He stood up also and hugged me tight. Well, this is really the best gift for him. Right choice, Kim jonghyun..

He grabbed the gift and placed it inside the drawer together with our gadgets. He surely is excited. "For now, let's enjoy the night." He said and pulled me onto the bed. We redo our previous position and talk about everything that we wanted to say to each other.

We ended up our conversation and we just stayed quiet, feeling our heart beats. I closed my eyes to think of what will I do next for our month long honeymoon. Well, no need to worry, Sulli is here for me as a backup.

"Hmm. I love you, Jjong.." I heard him. I smiled at the sudden confession.

"I love you too..."

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