The Answer is...

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"No, I can't live without you." 


"No, I can't stop thinking of you." 


"No, I can't just stand here and look at you because..." 


"Yes, I want to marry you.. and please hug me now." 

The official engaged couple spend the rest of their night in enjoying the beautiful view of Atlantic City. Yes, they are totally engaged. 



"Did he just said yes?" 

"Bummie, please? Of course he said yes. They're already hugging." 

"Oh God, I wanted to congratulate them." 

"Me too Bummie but not now. I think they're going for an advance honeymoon." 

"Hmm.. Can we do it too?" 

"Of course we can, Bummie." 

They were about to kiss each other when a loud cry was heard. Of course, little Mi-Eun was trapped in between them. They both stopped their sexual fantasies and went back to reality. Jonghyun picked Mi-Eun up from the stroller and craddle her to sleep. Kibum on the other hand was so disappointed again after all the seductive things that he thought of, everything turns to nothing. 

After giving birth, Key was so sexually frustrated. He wanted to have sex with his husband but his new operated ass won't let him. Now that he's healed, he's ready but everything's not approving his needs. 

Not only Key was disappointed, also Jonghyun is. He was so sexually frustrated since Kibum was pregnant and everytime Key wiggle his ass, there's a tent growing on his pants. He's always horny but he always keeps himself in having sexual thoughts for Key and the baby's safety. 

"Shhh... Stop crying, dear Mi-Eun.." Jonghyun cooed while Kibum's watching them, his hands on his head, feeling frustrated. 

"Gonna buy some water. I think I need to drink to ease this feeling." Kibum told his husband. Before he could totally left them, Jonghyun called him. "Bring me some water too. I badly need it." He smiled cheekily. 


As the couple stopped stalking the newly engaged, Jonghyun and Key walked to the park while pushing the sleeping Mi-Eun on her stroller. They enjoyed watching the beautiful view of Atlantic City. The two, hand in hand, expressed their love to each other by giving stolen kisses on their lips and cheeks. Some people watched them in disgust, some watched them like it's a normal thing to do. Kibum was bothered when someone made  a face as that person saw them kissing. Jonghyun couldn't help but worry at the younger's reaction. 

"Don't mind them." He told the younger. Kibum nodded but he can still feel the frustration. 

"L-lets go back to the hotel." Kibum announced and Jonghyun couldn't help but to agree. He wanted to end this night with a happy Kibum, anyways.


"I'll take a shower first." Kibum told his husband who's putting Mi-Eun down on her crib. He walked straight to the bathroom and locked the door which normally he doesn't do. He faced himself in the mirror and removed his clothes revealing his milky white skin. He traced his fingers to the scar and he felt his eyes tearing up.

"I'm ugly." He muttered to himself while he keeps on touching his scarred abdomen. 

'Why are you so ugly?" Kibum asked himself again. Tears messing up his face, Kibum closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He keeps on touching his stomach when he heard a cry outside. Slowly panicking for his child, Kibum opened the door and saw Jonghyun carrying the crying Mi-Eun. 

Afraid that the other will notice his tears, he quickly wiped his face with his hands but it's too late. 

"Bummie, are you crying?" Jonghyun asked while craddling his daughter on his arms. 


"Bummie, stop lying.. Why are you crying?" 

But then, Kibum re-entered the bathroom and turned the faucet of the bathtub on. He doesn't want to give the other another child to hush up from crying so he just cried silently on the bathtub, still touching his scarred abdomen. 

He stayed there for an hour and tears can't stop falling out from his eyes. Kibum cried everything out when a hand tapped his bare back. Kibum flinched in surprise as he saw Jonghyun sitting down behind him. 

"Tell me Kibum.. Why are you crying?" He asked with the dark toned voice that scared Kibum. He heard it for the very first time and this what afraid him the most.

"I-I..I'm not crying.." 

"Stop lying."

Jonghyun was serious. There's no way he can't leave me without any answers. Kibum thought that made him spill out everything to his husband. 

"I'm ugly." 

"You..What?" Jonghyun asked in surprise.

"After I gave birth to Mi-Eun, I feel so ugly. I have a huge scar on my stomach, I gained weight, I rarely sleep for eight hours.. Jonghyun, I'm so ugly." 

"I thought you were crying because of that man looking at us like we're the most disgusting thing ever." 

"Well, that adds up my frustration. His girlfriend is so pretty." And this statement made the puppy laugh. Jonghyun earned a huge spank on his arms. 

"Ouch. Okay, okay.. I'm sorry and will you please, stop crying? That tears doesn't deserve you, my beautiful kitten." Jonghyun slowly leaned on to kiss his husband's head. Kibum let out a smile, his worries were slowly fading away, thanks to the great words of Kim Jonghyun. "Plus, I have a gift for you when you're finished cleaning up. You know, I've waited for you for thirty minutes." Jonghyun stood up and left him with a wink. Kibum smirked at the perverted thought and started washing up and dry himself to attend Jonghyun's exciting invitation.


On Onew's Apartment...

Taeyeon and Onew were cleaning the house. At first, Onew disagreed that Taeyeon will help him in doing his chores but she already picked up the broom and sweeping the dirt off the floor. Onew couldn't stop her in sweeping so he decided to do the laundry. 

As she was sweeping the dust off the floor, a picture frame captured her attention. She walked to the cabinet where the displays were kept and picked up the picture frame. 

Her eyes doubled the size when she saw them. 

Holding hands, the other's arm was on his shoulder and the lips was planting a kiss on his head. She almost drop the frame. She cannot believe it. She really can't.

"Is he.." She tried to form the right words on her head. She closed her eyes and headache strucks her head.

"Onew.." She muttered and she put the frame down, leaving her other hand on her head.

" with Dr. Lee Joon?"

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