Month One

551 14 2

(A/N: This is Kim Kibum's point of view)

As expected, this pregnancy is risky. Symptoms like vomiting, mood swings, irregular sleep, picking up foods that I want to eat and almost killing Jonghyun from pinching and punching him makes me go crazy. I find it hard to just control my food consumption because I know that my baby needs more nutrients. Jonghyun insisted that we should go back to America in order to gradually check on my and my baby's condition.

When we went back to America, people are so excited to see me. Taemin ran from his work to my house just to see me. Minho and Sulli, on the other hand, bought fruits and vegetables for me to eat. Onew and Dr. Lee also came to check on my condition. Since Dr. Lee is my attending physician, he told me that he'll visit me anytime. Jessica also came and also brought many foods to eat but unfortunately, they food that she brought were kinda unhealthy for me and my baby so she decided to treat me on a healthy restaurant instead.

Being just only one month pregnant, everything suddenly changed. Jonghyun started to work again on his new song and I can find him always awake at night. I'm kinda worried, though, since his sleep is only 2 hours everynight. I told him to go to sleep but his stubborn head won't make him do it. He'll wake up just to take care of me but I actually don't need it at all. I actually became jealous. He put more attention to his songwriting than me.


"Yeobo.." I called him. "Can you pass the juice?" "Sure. Here." He stood up and brought the glass of juice to me. "If you need something, call me. Arasso?" He said and entered our room. I don't know what he's doing there but I think it is related again on songwriting. I suddenly became jealous... or maybe my mood swing is attacking me again. I don't know.

I stood up from the sofa and walked to the room. I opened the door slowly, revealing the busy songwriter. He looked at me and removed his eyeglass from his eyes. "Is there any problem? Do you need something?" He asked and I pouted. Jonghyun stood up from his seat and walked towards me. "Hey! No pouting!" He kissed my pouting lips and I smiled. "I wanna cuddle with you." I told him and he giggled. "Again?"

"Yah! I just wanna have some time with you, you know." I hit his forehead and he just smiled like an idiot. "But we're already been together for 24 hours now." He told me and I pouted again. I just want his attention. "Alright, alright. We'll cuddle. Just don't pout. You're making our child ugly." He said and I won. Landslide victory, thanks to my magical pout!

I pulled Jonghyun to the sofa and he embraced me with his arms on my neck and his other hands on my tummy. He surely is excited to be a father. I placed my head on his chest and started listening to his heartbeat. I love the rhythm. This is my favorite music.



"Do you really want to be a father?" I suddenly asked. I can feel him looking at me and I closed my eyes trying to listen to his answer. "Of course. Why did you ask?" "Nothing. Are you really happy that I'm pregnant?"

"Of course Bummie.. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're burying yourself in songwriting. Are you that bored with me?" I'm trying to control myself but I can't. "It's because I want to give my child a better future, Bummie. I need to earn more money for you and for this cute little thing that I'm holding today." I smiled. So, that's the reason? I shouldn't get jealous for nothing.

"I'm sorry Jjong." I told him. "For what?"

"For being jealous."

"Why are jealous? To whom?"

"To your pen and lyrics sheet."

"What? Are you having mood swings again?"

"I don't know. I think?"

"Oh god.. Weird jealousy Kibummie.."

"I know."

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