I'm Always Here

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"Onew.. He's lying to me..." Joon spoke up that made my head lift, surprised at his words. "What? Are you serious about this? How did you know?" I asked, a little bit confused. "When I asked him something about going to Korea, he always avoid the question on what's he's going to do there. I don't even know him, Jonghyun. I love him and he's just... just.. making me feel that he doesn't love me anymore."

"Joon, how much percent are you sure that Onew doesn't love you anymore? Did you talked to him? Have you ever asked him about this?" "I already talked to him but like what I said, he always avoid the question. I don't know what to do anymore, Jonghyun. I'm sick and tired of all these fights." Joon said and buried his face on his palm. I sighed. I don't even know what to say since I never experienced any fight like this. Kibum and I haven't fought too much and whenever we fight, we always settle it before going to sleep.

"Plus... I'd seen him with a girl." I heard Joon mumbled and cried. I patted his back to show some comfort. "He's with Kibum's surgeon yesterday." I widen my eyes when I heard those words. Kibum's surgeon? Taeyeon? "Really?" I asked and he lifted his head and nodded. He wiped his face with his palm and continued to tel other things that bothered him. "Yesterday, we fought because I saw them together. Onew keeps on telling me that Taeyeon is just his childhood friend from Korea. I don't know if I should believe him or not because of their sweetness. They laughed like they're together and I know that the girl has a crush on Onew. I told him to stay away from her but he didn't listen to me and continued to flirt with her." He said. I can understand the story line now. So, Joon is jealous of Taeyeon and Onew's sweetness?

"You know Joon, being sweet with your bestfriend is not wrong. I know that they missed each other so much and you can't let Onew stay away from her. She's his bestfriend. And another fact, Onew is gay. We all know that. He had sex with guys like you and never with a girl. I know that he doesn't have interest on Taeyeon. Let the girl have a crush on Onew but don't lose faith on him. Just tell him everything that bothers you. And about the thing that he doesn't want to open to you, just give him some time. He'll tell you if he's ready. Trust him." I told Joon and glad he stopped crying. Joon thanked me after I told him what to do. He stood up from his seat with a smiling face.

"I'm going to talk to Onew. Thank you for listening, Jonghyun." He said and I smiled. "Go ahead. I'm always here for you." He walked out of the hospital and I go straight to Kibum's room. The smiling face of my husband lights up my face. "Hi Jjong! Did you eat your dinner already?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, how about you?" "I did. With mashed bananas.." He grinned, showing me the peeled off bananas. I sat beside him and held his hands. Kibum looked at me with his worried face.

"Jjong, I'm nervous for tomorrow." He opened up. "Don't be, Kibum. I'm here. I'm always here."

You Light Up My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora