Chapter 38

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Heyy everyone! it's finally up!!! Enjoy

Chapter 38

I was woken up by the first rays of sunrise leaking in through the open windows. I felt content and happy when I woke up, but I couldn't pin why. I rolled over onto the large bed, and the sheets fell off of my upper body. I winced when the movement made me use my sore muscles, but couldn't pin why. I looked down, and realized I was naked underneath. I bolted up, and pulled the sheets back over me. I looked around the room confused. Why was I naked? My head started pounding with thoughts. Then I saw some shorts laying off the side of the bed, and remembered everything that had happen last night.

I had sex with Jace last night. Did he mark me last night? I reached up to my neck, but felt nothing there. I felt that bit of hope that he would evaporate from in me.

My head was spinning from what had happen last night. I had lost my virginity while I was all hopped up on stupid pain medicine. What if I wasn't good at all? He had slept with other people before, but this was my first time. He was amazing! I was inexperienced, and he probably hated it.

At least it wasn't to somebody I didn't love, but still. We were only on not-kill-each-other terms for a day. I had promised myself that I wouldn't lose it until I was married. I buried my face into my hands. What if Jace didn't love me back like I loved him? What if now that he had what he wanted, he would just leave me? That would surely kill me.

But most importantly, where was he? He wasn't sleeping in bed next to me, so where was he? What if he really did leave me after taking away my virginity.

I felt a panic attack creeping on. My palms started to get all sweaty, and my head started to pound. My chest tightened, and my throat felt like it was closing up. I tried to swallow, but I felt my eye start to burn with tears. I couldn't deal with it if Jace left me.

I needed to pull myself together. After all, he could just be in another room in the house. That thought sent me lunging out of bed, and snatching a giant shirt off the ground. I slipped it on as I ran out the door. I had to find him, to reassure myself that he didn't leave.

I glanced into each of the bedrooms, each one was as empty as the next. My heart started to pound away at a panicky beat in my chest. Where was he?

I ran into the dining room, and looked around frantically. It was as barren as the rest of the house. I sprinted into the kitchen. I wasted no time in checking the basement door when I found the kitchen empty. The last thing that I needed was for him to be down there. How would I be able to explain it to him why there are enough weapons down there for an army? I couldn't even believe it myself. But the need to find him was greater.

I reached for the door knob and tried to twist it, but it didn't budge. I released a sigh of relief when the door turned out to be locked. At least I don't have to deal with trying to explain that to him.

That left only one place for Jace to be. I was hesitant with leaving the kitchen. I didn't want to go into the living room, and find it to be completely empty. I didn't want to face the cold hard truth that he really had left. But that could be the room that Jace was in right now. All that I had to do to rid myself of this feeling would be walk into that room.

With my mind made up, I started walking towards the living room slowly. A dreading feeling continued to spread through my chest.

As soon as I walked in, I took one look around and wished I hadn't. He wasn't there. I looked around the empty room again, and saw no signs of Jace.

"No..." I whispered, but tears stopped me from calling out his name.

He couldn't have left me. He wouldn't have. Jace couldn't have faked that yesterday. Nobody could have. Not the pain on his face when he realized he had hurt me, not the words and passion he spoke with, not the the way he held me, and especially not the way he touched me so lovingly last night. He had to be here. He had to be in the house. Nobody could be that cruel to someone, especially their mate. He knows what this would have done to me.

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