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Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has supported this story and tolerated my strange updating schedules. I wish I could update the story more but time is something I really don't have around this time of year. 

This will be the only chapter for the next few weeks, I know some of you are already enjoying your summer break but I'm still at school preparing for finals and diplomas. Up until now I haven't had a chance to log on to write/edit; in other words, please be patient with the future chapters! 

THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO SKIM THROUGH MY STUFF: while you guys wait for the new chapters I highly recommend reading the prologue again. You may or may not have noticed but I updated the early chapters to this story. I also added something to the prologue that YOU NEED TO KNOW as it will come into play in future chapters. 

I'll probably get time to edit old chapters during exam week but I'm going to hold off on writing until all my tests are over. Also, don't have high hopes for new chapters during July and the beginning of August. I signed up for summer school this year and I'm also planning to balance a part-time job on top of everything, but I promise I'll find time to get you people some Yin Yang goodness :) 

Thank you to everyone who read this far, you're the real MVP!

I woke up the next morning still in Chung's warm embrace while Yang slept a few feet away from us---grunting occasionally in its sleep. Chung was still asleep when I came to but I decided not to wake him up, he looked so peaceful in his slumber. I closed my eyes and rested my face on his steadily rising chest and to his soft breaths along with the birds chiming around us. At some point Chung finally awoke from his sleep and told me to get ready for the day. I was reluctant to move from my spot in his arms but I abide to his request anyways---if we stayed like that any longer Aisha might stumble upon us and spread rumour. 

One thing we both noted upon awakening was Feita's seemingly endless dark skies. We were both fairly sure that it was morning but the sky kept its dark hue---it was unsettling to say the least. 

Chung headed back to his tent while I lingered by the water to wake Yang and wash myself off. Once I had finished, I hurried back to my tent to find my tent mate still asleep, I quickly unloaded extra clothes and a few personal belongings onto my sleeping bag before heading out again.

 Breakfast was held at the same fireplace we had dinner last night. Chung and I were the first ones to arrive thus we were responsible for cooking the food given to us by the hunters of the base. One by one our team awoke and joined us by the fireplace. We made small-talk with one another but our conversations were always cut short due to the early morning drowsiness. 

I was in a fairly good mood during breakfast and willingly offered my food to Chung (something I hadn't done in a very long time). Chung was reluctant to take the food and allowed me to keep half of it---what a gentleman. Eve and Aisha took notice of my actions and wasted no time to tease us, normally I'd snap at them for making assumptions but I was in too good of a mood to do so. I shrugged off their comments and enjoyed my meal in blissful silence. 

Everyone grew more energized once they had eaten, conversations bloomed left and right as we prepared supplies for the day's mission. Once the day's supply was delivered to our camp fire, Speka left the camp fire early to meet up with her team and asked that we waited for her to get us. We finished packing fairly early so we sat around the dying fire talking as we waited for our escort to pick us up. 

"Sis gave me some information about the temple." Aisha said, pulling out a note book from her backpack. She flipped to a bookmark page with eyes skimming swiftly through its contents. "The building is fairly old and was built like an old winding tower, with various floors in between." 

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