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Nothing big appeared during patrol, the only exciting thing that happened was several villagers complaining to us about stolen goods and maps. Aisha didn't talk much either, she must be analyzing the question I asked earlier.

Our day went by relatively slow, we passed by the other patrol group several times during the day - to kill time we explored new paths to take around the village and even discovered a few short cuts, I pretty much have the village layout memorized. Aisha and I hurried back to the meeting spot as soon as the sun began to set, both of us - especially Aisha - are exhausted from today.

Everyone but Eve and Elsword were already gathered, the look on Stella's face clearly says she is disappointed with the day's progress.

"You two!" She gestures us to hurry. "Anything new?" She asks the moment we arrive.

"Besides stolen goods and maps I don't think so." I spoke up. Stella grumbles with annoyance at my answer.

"Nothing again." She curses. "At this rate my whole village will kill themselves off."

"If only we know what we're looking for." Raven thought out loud. "Then maybe we can prevent more deaths."

"Maybe that mage is behind everything," Lucas pipes in. "Perhaps tonight we won't have any of our men fall into her spells."

"We have no evidence to prove her guilty." Aisha replies harshly. She turns her head away from the lizard," for all we know the real villain could be walking among us."

"Guys!" Glancing back I notice Elsword and Eve rushing towards us. I can't help but notice and annoyed look on both their faces and the newly formed bruises on Elsword's cheeks.

"Sorry we're late." Elsword pants. "We lost track of time."

"Well?" Stella places her hands on her hips. "Did you get anything useful from her?"

"If she was in my kingdom I would've cut her head off!" Eve snaps. "That human has absolutely no respect!"

"I'll sum up our day." Elsword cuts in. " When we got there she insulted our looks, next she called us names, and I think at one point she called Eve a human."

"Disgrace I tell you!" She slaps Elsword. "I blame you!"

"What?! Why do you blame me?" He rubs his red cheek.

"Because your human presence confused the mage! Not to mention you just sat there and did nothing!"

"Well you sat there when she said my face resembles a cow!" He points out.

"The truth hurts." Eve slaps him once again. "Be quiet, I must think of a punishment best fit for today's event."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن