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My babe creativegurl requested a dirty scene for "crismes" so amma do it:))

Adelina's pov.
"so who's going to bring the dessert" Keylor said making Marcelo fake sleep.

"seriously it's always me" Marcelo whined as we were all sitting in the living room with my stomach stuffed.

"Awh baby marcelo i know the world is cruel" Cristiano said.

"you cheated on me" James said.

"No I didn't and I won't" Cristiano said.

"Crismes" Jese said rolling his eyes.

"Who can help me bring the plates" Marcelo said.

"I will" I said standing up and i feel a slap on my ass.

"Oh shit" Keylor said.

"Sergio be a good boy" I said looking at him to see him smirking and i rolled my eyes following Marcelo.

"What's this" I said as Marcelo took a tray from the fridge.

"That's oreo cheesecake" He said.

"Oh wow" I said taking the plates and forks.

"Faster" Gareth yelled.

"Why don't you come and help us" I said.

"Too lazy" Gareth said.

"I want oreos" James yelled.

"Okay" i said going out of the kitchen and putting the plates in the coffee table infront of the guys.
And than Marcelo came putting the dessert in the middle.

Sergio suggested for me to stay the night beacuse they were traveling the next day so i asked my dad and he said i should stay in the guest room which is mine and not to sleep next to Sergio but stubborn boyfriend didn't allow me to sleep in the guest room.

"Adelina i said you will sleep next to me" Sergio said.

"Man don't force her" Isco said.

"He's not forcing me it's my dad who doesn't want" I said.

"It's not like he's watching you" Gareth said.

"Or is he" Luka said making a creepy look.

"Fine i will sleep next you" I said.

"Yes finally" He said.

"Than goodnight guys"Gareth said going upstairs.


Me and Sergio headed upstairs to his room.

"Can I borrow clothes beacuse I can't sleep in this" I said.

"Ofcourse" he said.

"Thanks" i said opening his closet i took a black shirt that looked over sized and his boxers.
I went inside his bathroom and got undressed i wore his boxers and the oversized shirt which went to my knees i washed my face and brushed my hair.

"Sergio what are you doing" I said as i was doing my business in the bathroom.

"I'm getting ready to sleep"He said.

"Okay" when i was done i washed my hands and went outside to see sergio only wearing his boxers.

"Mmm like what you see" He said.

"No i mean yes but no" I said taking my eyes away from his built body.

"You are not sleeping like this aren't you" I said.

"I always sleep like this don't break my rules" He said jumping on the bed.

"Okay whatever you like" I said sleeping next to him.

"I love you" He said pulling me closer.

"Mhm me too" I said as i felt myself sleepy and than Sergio started playing with my hair which made me fall asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Sergio sleeping peacefully i smiled at how cute he looks sleeping i stood up from the bed to see it was 11:56.
I exited the room to go drink water beacuse my throat was dry.
Before going downstairs i started hearing moanings from Cristiano's room.
"Wait holdup" I said i know it's not my business but i heard James voice.

"Babe wake up" I said shaking Sergio.

"Mmm" he groaned.

"There is something going on in Cris's room wakeup" I said and he opened his eyes.

"What's going on" He said.

"I heard James moaning in Cristiano's room" I said.

"What the fuck" Sergio said waking up he took his robe wearing it on top of him.

"Oh shit" Sergio said as he stood infront of Cris's room

"I should call the guys" Sergio said.

"No i feel bad" I said.

"Wait here" He said.

Mins later all the guys were standing silently outside Cristiano's room.

"Wtf" Gareth whispered.

"I knew there was something between them" Marcelo said.

"This is disgusting" Jese said.

"On count of three we will bust the door open" Sergio said.

"Guys no" i said.


And All the guys scream when they saw James and Cris in the bed.

Guys i am so nervous about tomorrow.
I have mixed emotions like i am happy to see my babies play after a long time and i am so worried if we lost like amma cry for a week.if we scored the first goal like always i start screaming and happy tears come out but if Atl scored i will close the tv and cryyy...i want to watch my hubby holding the trophy😭😭😭😭💔.

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