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Adelina's pov.
"Do you want to go home now" Sergio said as he was still brushing his hand through my hair while I was resting my head on his lap.

"No I want to stay alittle alone with you" I said we were currently in the beach and it was really dark all you can see is moon shining reflecting the water.

"Adelina" Sergio said as he stopped brushing my hair and I flipped my head that I was looking up at him.

"Hm" I hummed.

"Do you still love me?"He said making my heart beat faster.

"I don't know"I said as I shifted my head to look back at the beach.

"I still love you and I will always will" He said pulling me to his chest so I was now sitting on his lap.

"you are still my little princess" He said hugging me tight.

"Can we stay here until the sunrises" I said looking him in the eyes.

"Whatever you say" He said smiling and I returned one back.

"This is so calming" I said putting my head back to his lap.

"I know I am always happy around you" He said making me smile.

"Sergio what if I will never bring kids" I said.

"This won't change my love to you" He said.

"Sergio I love you" I said making him smile.

"I know you do" He said flipping me on the sand and getting on top of me.

"Sergio we are in a public place" I said laughing.

"Then let's go home" He said smirking.

"Aren't we going to stay here until sunrise" I frowned.

"You know we can make a little change in plans" He said winking.

"Than let's go" I said smiling.
"Where is Sergio" James said.

"Yeah I called him in the morning" Gareth said.

"What happened" Bella said.

"They are in a hotel together" Gareth said smiling.

"Thankgod" Bella said.

"Hm hope they had fun" Cris said.

"So Adelina and Sergio can adopt it's not a big deal" Pepe said.

"You don't know the feeling of making your own child and bringing it to life okay" Gareth said.

"And do you know the feeling" Pepe said.

"He will soon feel it you can shut up" Bella said.

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