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16k isnsnsjkaka thank you guys so much😭❤️❤️❤️.

Adelina's pov.
"Hope everything will be fine" My dad said.

"Yeah I am starting with the pills" I said.

"Everything will be fine" He said and I just nodded sitting in the couch.

"Anything new" My dad said and I shooked my head.

"Where is the ring" My dad said making me smile awkwardly.

"Hm uh i forgot it with Sergio" I said.

"Oh okay and when are you planning to do the wedding"He said.

"I really don't know I am going to sleep now I am so tired" I said going into my room and closing the door.
*In the mansion*
"We should do something today"Keylor said.

"Like what" Pepe said.

"We can go bowling" Karim said.

"Yeah I love bowling" Marcelo said.

"Okay what about the girls" Sergio said.

"That's what you care about" Karim said.

"We can bring Adelina and Bella" James said.

"And Isadorah" Karim said.

"I didn't like her" Cristiano said.

"I don't care who said I like Adelina or Bella" Karim said.

"Take that back" Sergio said.

"Okay I was kidding" Karim said rolling his eyes.

"Guysss" Bella yelled busting through the door.

"Fuck" James yelled.

"You scared me" James said.

"I am sorry but I have something important" Bella said.

"What is it babe" Gareth said.

"Turns out the doctor mistook the tests of Adelina" Bella said.

"Wait wait I don't get it" Sergio said standing up.

"She can bring kids normally she isn't diagnosed" Bella said.

"YASSSSS!but Fuck we didn't use protection yesterday" Sergio said rushing out of the house.

"Wow" Marcelo said.

"Let's party" Karim yelled.

"Not again" Bella said.

Adelina's pov.
I was woken up by someone knocking on the door i just waited for my dad to open but it was still knocking so I had to get up.

"God" I mumbled getting out of bed great my dad is at work.

"Who is it" I said.

"Babe open up fast" i opened the door to see Sergio with a big smile on his face which made me look at him in confusion.

"I love you" Sergio carrying me up and spinning me around.

"What's going on" I said laughing.

"Babe you can bring kids you don't have infertility" He said smiling making me start crying.

"Omg Thankgod" I said hugging him.

"I am so happy" Sergio said.

"Sergio we always use protection but after we thought I can't bring kids we had an unprotected sex" I said.

"That's what i am worried about" He said and i just nodded.

Sorry for playing with you guys😂

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