30.- Thirdy-

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"Shit!  .... what do I  do? what do I fucking do? Maine ... inhale and then exhale!" it's obvious that RJ is freaking out because of what is going on. He and Maine are now on their way to the hospital , she's finally going to give birth to their baby. 

"Aray ko Ricardo! umayos ka!" Maine yelled after he took a sharp turn to the right. 

"I'm sorry okay? I'm fucking freaking out! I don't know what to do ... shit!" 

The young guy is not used to panicking, that's why his stress level right now is more than twice than those who can deal with this sort of situation. He glanced at Maine and can see how much pain she's feeling right now. 

"Does it hurt?" he asked. 

"Ano sa tingin mo? Jusko RJ , bilisan mo na lang ...." 

After he heard that, RJ accelerated the car even more so they can reach the hospital at a much shorter time. Thankfully, that move proved to be the right decision because ten minutes later , they are already at the hospital's parking lot. 

RJ ran out of the car and went straight to Maine's side. After she opened the door and got out, he carried her off in his arms and quickly made their way towards the Emergency Room entrance. As soon as the nurses saw them, they helped him place Maine on a wheelchair

She is taking a succession of quick breaths which means she's now on full labor mode. While they are on their way towards the delivery room, RJ asked the doctor if he can come inside to support his Baby Mama. 

"You can." 


"Ire pa! Push!" one of the nurses yelled and so she tried even harder. Maine is currently holding RJ's hand, she's halfway there .... Thirdy is almost out. 

She glanced at RJ and can see that his face is now as white as a sheet, he looks like he's going to pass out. "Wag kang mahihimatay dito, loko." she told him. 

"I'm freaking trying not to." The young guy answered before he held on to the metal bar on the side for additional support. Maine is currently using all of her muscles to push her child out. She's sweating so much her maternity dress is already soaked in it. 

"Ahhhh! Ugghhhh" Maine is now yelling, the process of letting her baby out in the world hurts so much. Her grip on RJ's hand is getting tighter and tighter the more she pushes their son out. 

"Take a deep breath , love. You can do it" RJ told her. 

"Love? love ka jan. Ikaw may kasalanan nito loko. Pag katapos nito tignan mo man RJ ... junjun mo lang ang walang pasa!" Maine threatened him.

"Grabe ka..."

"Patay ka .. loko ..." Maine's pain has subsided since she was able to divert it into hatred. 

"Ire pa!" 

Maine is losing her strength, she's now exhausted. 

"Konti na lang!" 

Maine took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She knows she's getting weaker and weaker. She's actually starting to become sleepy. 

"Konti na lang Maine ... please" 

"Okay ... eto na ..... ahhhhh!" 

Finally, Thirdy is out. The doctor picked up the baby to slap it's bum. As soon as Maine saw him, she knew her entire life has changed forever. All the pain .. all the suffering that the pregnancy brought to her ... they are all worth it. 

Right before her baby started crying, she heard a loud thud on her side. Maine turned and saw RJ lying on the floor, he passed out. 



The young guy slowly opened his eyes and quickly recognized how the ceiling changed. He then sat up and looked around, still wondering what happened. 

"Okay ka na?" a familiar voice asked. He turned and saw Maine in bed staring at him. 

"Y-yeah." he answered before he got up form the couch. RJ then removed his hospital suit and asked her what happened. 

"Hinimatay kang loko ka." she replied. RJ can still see that she's exhausted from what happened, and that made him realize he must take care of her and once again drop his fuckboy act. But how can he be that sort of guy especially now that Amanda is doing her best to destroy him?.

"Hinimatay ako?" he then asked her.

"Ay hindi RJ , natulog ka."

"Sus ... where's our son?" RJ asked right before the door opened and a nurse walked in. His eyes widened after he saw that she's carrying their baby, and it made him very emotional. 

He's at lost for words. That was the moment he needed to give him the drive to fully change. 

"This is your family now RJ, cherish it." a voice inside his head told him. He immediately shed a tear and that made him wipe his tear away as quickly as possible. But the thing is, Maine saw him. 

"RJ? Umiiyak ka?" she asked. 

"What? hindi , pinapawisan lang yung mata ko." he replied. 

"Asus, dito na .. hold him .. hold our son." Maine told him and so he moved closer. RJ extended out his arm and welcomed Thirdy for the very first time. 

The moment he was able to touch his child's skin, he started tearing up. 

"He looks so much like me." he commented. 

"Yes he does." Maine uttered with a smile on her face. 

"I love you so much my son .... I love you." 


sweet and short. Now that Thirdy is here ... will RJ change? stay tuned for what will happen next :) xxx

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