Notes and News

11.1K 358 48

Hello guys! Thank you for reading the entire story! Seriously, the words you left on the final and epilogue parts of my book made me so happy. Yes, you're right ... there are still a lot of stories to tell about the characters. And on that note, I would like to formally announce that there will be a sequel. (woop! woop!)

I already have the plot and I'm actually very excited about it. The sequel's setting will show the couple 16 years after they got married (teenager na si Thirdy and yung mga kapatid niya!). There will be tons of changes and you might not see a couple of characters from the first book. But I promise it will still be just as fun and as touching as this one.

The tentative title for the sequel is Keeping Up With The Faulkersons , and it will be up after this book reaches 315k reads! So if you want to read the sequel as soon as possible, make sure to read, read and read to reach the goal!

That's all for now guys! thank you and stay golden! :) x

Baby DaddyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ