Chap.2 Night school

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Time skip..

Normal POV

In Yui's room, she wake up in her room and checks her neck for bite marks and is relieved to find out that she wasn't bitten. She doesn't remember changing her clothes and wonders the mystery of the six sakamaki brothers that Kyurin and Yui met. Yui wants to talk to her father and wishes he was here. Before she tries to cry, Laito appeared sitting on her bed, telling her crying won't help her and tells her that she looks pretty sexy in a sleeping suit. Laito tries to make a move on her as she smells good but is pushed by Kyurin entering the room, and Ayato pulled Yui into his side telling Laito not to touch his things without his permission.

"Hey, what are you gonna do to yui. Give her back." Kyurin pissed.
"Don't be so rough Ayato." Laito answered Ayato.
"Shut up, she is mine." Ayato said.
"Please stop. " Yui plead.
Then Reiji interrupted.
"Everyone please get ready to school or else it be late." Reiji said.
"But that is too late for school.." Yui say
"You are going to night school, we won't let you go to day school since you with us, you just a mortal after all. " Reiji annoyed. "Any day that you are here, you must adjust yourself, if you have any complain you are welcome to leave this place. " he added.
"Also, the girl over there, you heard all the circumstances and rules right, I left your uniforms in your room please change." Reiji
"I have a name ok, I'm kyurin, I know all the stuff.." Kyurin turned her eyes away.
"Kirei-chan you are vampire isn't it?" Laito licked her cheeks and smirked.
Kyurin shook away from Laito, Ayato and Reiji stunned.
"How do you know? " Kyurin questioned. And she thought now she found that the six sakamaki brothers are also vampires with a blank face looking at them wiping her cheeks.
"That's why you smell differently. Don't you?" Kanato appeared with teddy grinned.
"It's annoying, quiet, I wonder why she live with humans after all ... we all realize .." Shuu popped out nowhere in the air himself in the sofa.
Subaru mad-assed punches the table, "another vampire, I knew it. " disturbed.
"Well, looks like I couldn't hide .." Kyurin sigh. "I'm going to change my clothes, see ya. " Kyurin left Yui room. The brothers also left her room. As what Yui heard, the sakamaki brothers are vampires also, but Yui was scared one of them would bite her. She didn't want to care anymore and changes her clothes.

On the way to school Yui looks at the brothers and wonders that they are all siblings but why don't seem to get along well and don't talk to each other much. Ayato asks what is on her mind while addressing her chichinashi. Kyurin told Ayato to stop calling her that she has a name called Yui. Ayato tells that Yui opinion won't matter to him in his whole lifetime. After that, Reiji gives Yui cranberry juice and tells her to drink it daily as it is the best cure for anemia. Yui then thanks him but he says she doesn't need to thanks him as she is only a prey, Yui was started to get a little scared that these vampires would do anything to her, Kyurin told Yui it's alright she will protect her, Yui relieved.
When they reach the school, Reiji tell Yui that she is in Ayato and Kanato's class and to go along with them. He tells her to don't do anything reckless unless she wants a shipping. Reiji tell Kyurin to follow him because they will be in the same class. As Yui goes to her class, she sees its food prep time so Ayato orders her to make Takoyaki. Yui tries to refuse, but ends up making them. She says she is going to clean up and hurry back to class. Yui asks Ayato for help but when he appears behind her, she tries to run away. Ayato corners her and tell her that he has been holding his thirst since yesterday and he cannot hold back any longer. He starts sucking her blood finding it quite delicious and continues drinking. Just then, Kyurin rushed inside the food prep room saying no wonder I smell Yui's blood, it was you. Just as she is about to faint, Kyurin pulled Yui to her arms, Reiji comes and tells him that he never imagined he would do this in school too. Before leaving, he tells him to be responsible and get her home safely. Kyurin took her stuff along to stay with Yui, afraid Ayato would hurt Yui again.

Back to the mansion, Yui wake up near the swimming pool area and Ayato and Kyurin was there with her. Careless Kyurin, she saw Ayato throw Yui in the swimming pool, ordering her to tell him that he is the greatest and that she belongs to him. Yui struggles to get out and pleads Ayato for help as she can't swim. While seeing her begging for help, he has a flashback about his childhood where he too was almost drowning and asking his mother for help but, she just stood there and then left. After that, Ayato finally decides to help Yui but being slapped by Kyurin in the face telling Ayato what is wrong with you, you have no right to save her back if throw her in the pool, once tell again tell Ayato to behave himself. Kyurin jumps into the pool and pulled Yui back to the surface. Yui thanked Kyurin for saving her the second time in the water, Ayato was quiet after Kyurin pulled Yui back top of the ground floor getting a towel for Yui.

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