Paranormal Nights

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After the trip, Yui has been always been weird and sometimes even space out. It's been days that the Sakamaki brothers didn't suck her blood. That's odd huh. Kyurin locks herself in the room, she even try to kick the brothers out being very distant. But that also effect that much on the brothers. Shu would sleep awake with eyes open. Reiji wasn't doing his experiments right. Ayato haven't been going to school that well. Kanato felt like stepping on teddy and choking the lifeless bear. Laito is being sissy. And Subaru didn't even break any walls and bang on anything to make trouble. No one knows what will do.


I was in the room by myself studying, and doing my home works. Everyday we just have normal time eating but we never talk anymore after the trip. It's like we became strangers. Outside was summer and hot, Ryoutei Gakuen was in summer break, to go to school still have one more month.
"How can I solve this question....eiii..." Scratching my head trying to figure out the math problem in my textbook. I felt tired and useless brain right here. Looking up the ceiling I have always said to myself am I really that stupid and blunt, I feel distressed.
Just then I heard a crack from my door. It was Kyurin, she came in like an unconscious zombie and threw herself in my bed. I didn't want to bother that much but saw she is feeling really weak. I walked to my queen sized bed and wave my hand on top of her eyes.
"Hello?... Kyurin? You ok?" I continued to wave my hands until her eyelids are back like a moving camera.
".....ui...." She said almost no voice and her lips are dry.
"Kyurin are you alright?" I said in melancholy.
" so.. thirsty...." Kyurin pouted and licked her lips a little bit. "Nng.. hungry..." the thirsty purple haired vampire girl mumbled.
Watching my sister like this can't help it, it's like she is gonna die. Since I don't have anemia I gave my arm to Kyurin, place it between her lips. Slightly she grab my arm and licked my wrist, Kyurin opened her mouth showing her canines and bit down my wrist. I flinched a little and groan in pain. I could feel my blood drew out quickly. My vampire sister finally released her fangs out my wrist and licked some of the blood.

Kyurin POV

Mmmm! Yummy... I love Yui's blood, so tasty and sweet, aand it's so irresistible... I continued sucking out her blood until I had enough the flow in my body and veins, I took my fangs out and licked the blood left in the bite mark.
"Thanks Yui... " feeling proud to have a cute sister, I blushed as I continue sleeping in Yui's bed, it was very soft and warm, it smells great in here better than my room. This bitch gets to have the best.. Yui's presence faded away 'till she got back her own desk and do homework. I think she is having trouble with some questions.
"Yui.. Do you need help with homework? I could help you with math.. I know you're not capable with word problems that much.. " I asked her softly. She nodded and hand me the notebook and pencil. There are questions that are blank meaning she needs help with it.


Laying on my bed the whole entire 24/7 with my eyes open its very tiring. I feel my body numb and shutting down, I don't know why I feel paralyzed and can't move, my music was still on but one of my earplug came off my ear. I tried to pick it up but couldn't. Maybe some kind of syndromes happening, like sleeping paralysis, as time flows I got some weird vision. I know it's fake but still couldn't move. I need someone to help me... Wake me up from nightmare reality! Then I saw a black figure landing on top of me, holding my chest really hard and choking my breath. I can't even say a word, can't even talk. This is getting bad... I closed my eyes tight trying to send vibrate message to my brothers and Kyurin.
Come on someone help me!! I'm dying here!!! I'm so thirsty and hungry!!! Aaarrrghhhh!!! The black figure is coming closer!! He is choking me death! I feel like I could see Edgar!!

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