6. Trip(4)

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Beach day.

Time: 9:30 am.

A very second day of their trip of Starlight Tours, Yui and Kyurin were the first one to get up in the morning. The sakamaki brothers were still sleeping soundly. Yui, trying to tease Ayato.
Yui took a permanent marker out of her pink suitcase, and start drawing hearts on Ayato's forehead.
"A-ya-to.. If you don't wake up.. You will see black holes in your face," Yui whispered in Ayato ear with warm air. No signs of him waking up, Yui poked him in the cheek and say Ayato have cute face while sleeping. The blonde tickled Ayato but still didn't wake up. Crawling into him, Yui slowly kissed him in the face.
"You little slut, " Yui gasped as she heard Ayato awake and touching her back.
"Hey Ayato! You scare me!" Yui pushed away from him.
"Who told you to play with me, " Ayato grinned as he get himself up.
"Urusai desu yo, (it's annoying) " Kanato rubbed his eyes and pick up his teddy from the floor, still feeling sleepy.
"Yui, go and wash up," Kyurin said coming out the bathroom.
"Yes, ok," she nodded and went to brush her teeth.
"Good morning Ayato, Kanato," Kyurin said.
"Morning, Apple chan, " Ayato teased.

"What's all the commotion in the morning..." Reiji took a deep breath and slowly got himself up, putting on the glasses.
"Morning Reiji, " KR
"Good morning, Kyurin," R
Sliding to Laito's bed, Kyurin went up to the big king sized bed to wake him up.
"Nee, Laito-kun.... Wake up.. " Kyurin mumbled in his ear. "If you don't wake up, I will bite you....." The vampire girl said and chuckled. Using both her hands, she cupped Laito's cheeks and pressed, looking chubby and moved his head. Suddenly a green eye snapped open.
"Finally you awake Lai-kun," Kyurin played, and take her hands back.
"Don't treat me like a doll Apple-chan," Laito leaned in his pillow and yawned.
"Couldn't be any quiet!" A voice came from the bed couch. It was Subaru, wake up deadly and stood up. "I'm using the bathroom first."
"Shu-kun, wake up wake up, sleep too much is no good!" Kyurin said. But noticed he is already wake up but he just closes his eyes with earphones on. "Okay fine.." Kyurin moved away and get her swimsuits which is dry already from putting outside the balcony. She grab the rest of others swimsuit and placed them inside the big bag.
"Today is beach day, day with water again minna," Yui came out from the bathroom with new outfit and clean.
"Can we build sand castles," Kanato asked Yui.
"Of course Kanato kun, ohayo minna(good morning everyone), " Yui replied. Yui got Reiji attention to take the towels an put them in the bag, she nodded and stuff everything in.
Later Reiji went and brush his teeth and wash his face next after Subaru, then Laito, Ayato, Kanato, last Shu finally.

Time: 10:30 am.

The brothers and the girls got everything ready for beach day, phone charged hundred percent and went to eat breakfast. Pancakes, egg rolls, cereals, blueberry, etc.. After they are done, it's 11:10 am. Before going bus is 35 minutes left. They all went back up to their rooms. Laito brought uno cards to play for 20 minute, Reiji won the first round, Subaru second, Kanato third, Ayato fourth, Yui fifth, Shu sixth, Kyurin seventh, unluckily Laito lost.
"Why I'm the only one who lost! So unfair!" Laito said fixing his uno cards into a nice deck putting back in the box. Laito frowned as he place it back to his suitcase.
Kyurin immediately asked if want to go vending machine and grab some drinks, Laito nodded and got Yui along. Yui tell the rest the brothers to get ready go down to the bus in 11:35.
In the vending machine, Laito got four packs of potato chips, Yui bought Mountain Dew and two bottles of water,and Kyurin bought energy fruit punch, which is her favorite drink. Laito took a two empty bags that next to the vending machine and put the chips and drinks inside. It's almost time, now is 11: 40, once they arrived main hall they spotted the rest of the brothers to the main door. The bus has just arrived, they are the first group who got in the bus. Two minutes later have every group on.

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