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Everyone please aware this isn't suppose in the story but I decide to mix everything in this book of vampire sister. It will have one shots, other fun stuff, other information and the regular plot basis according to the story. I will share what's right for everyone!!! Please feel happy!! Your dear author chan Kiyuni!!

Now let's begin!!! Cough* this is for you a reader X sakamaki brothers, of course Yui and Kyurin exist. You are reader that is friend of Yui and Kyurin. Now let's go~~~

"Hey I was wondering where you go!" You ran to Yui and Kyurin. Y/n was invited to the mansion to play with the two girls.
"Y/n do you need help?" Yui asked confused.
"Iya, what are you talking about aren't we best friends? Come on let's play cards!" You pushed them to Kyurin's room.

You were playing uno cards with Yui and Kyurin, while that you heard someone entered the room.
"I was wondering who was in our house, it was bitch chan and ringo chan's friend," Laito said in soft tone.
"Yea, what about it?" Kyurin said not turning to see him, putting a green color 5 down.
"Who is he, Kyurin?" You begin to curious and feel a little bit uneasy.
"He was just a pervert jerk, leave him alone," your best friend tells you and ignored.
"Oh...." You said a little bit frown and placed your red color 3 in the uno pile.
"Can I join too?" Laito suddenly hugged around your neck and licked your cheek. You flinched and wipe off the saliva he licked.
"Can you stop! " Yui got irritated, "leave us alone hentai!"
"Aye, aye, your words are harsh bitch-chan.. Fine I will leave.." Laito frowned and teleported away.

Few moments later..

"Yay I won!" Yui cried happily. You know this bitch has already won 10 times.
"Yui.. Did you cheated? " you asked Yui this blonde lady with dope face.
"No I did not! Maybe because I'm too lucky?" Yui enthused and scratching her head.
"Aye! It's no fun Yui always kept winning!" Kyurin anguished and falls on her back on her own bed.
"Well, I think it's a little bit late now, I have to go home," you said in dismay.
"Awe, stay little more y/n! It's really not fun only Yui gets here, " Kyurin whined and begged her best friend to stay.
"I guess next time maybe because if I'm home late, my parents would yell.." You said glumly. Your waved your best friends goodbye and left their room quietly and safely. You begin to walk down stairs to the main door to go home but suddenly you feel someone behind you.
"Who is there?" You turned around and speak to the unknown aura.
...... It was silent again and you begin to run down stairs. The more you ran you here strange footsteps going down hardly. You stopped and quickly got a fist on your back, it was the guy from before, Laito, caught your fists in his palm.
"So it was you, no wonder I feeling un-ok.." You took your fist off and returned to normal hands hanging.
"Tsk, tsk, I followed you to see if you could have some fun with me, y/n chan... " Laito said spitefully and fixed his fedora hat.
"How do you know my name? Tsk. Well ojou-sama now is busy to go home, I will visit next time," you smirked and try to ignore him. But he grabbed your wrist.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing! Don't touch me!" You blunted as you try to shake off Laito's rough hand. But failed to.
"I knu everything about you.. Little princess... Iye.. Ms. Y/n, the malicious vampire lady... " Laito stared at your pure eyes but you know yourself really bad that you not a good girl anyways. He gives you a shy face and he face closer to your forehead.
"GET OFF ME!" You kicked him in the stomach, he choked and his hat fell off. "What do you know about me! Huh? "
"Ow, that hurts... " you watched Laito standing up and finished what he said," I know you hate that puny bitch chan... "
"Bitch-chan? What do you mean?" You asked.
"Yui," he blunted.
"Oh, that naive mortal, I had enough with her being beside her, and at first it was Kyurin chan my best friend, later she introduced me to that bitch, I really wanna slap her, gaud. But I will endure this every time I see her.." You said every word with poison that wanted to kill her and suck every dip of her blood, left her with the dead body.
"Ok, I will keep this little secret.. But exchange, .." He cuddled you and continued saying," .. I want some of your blood..."
"Ok.. " you nodded and Laito came to your beautiful neck and gulp down with his shark canines, sucking your delicious sweet blood.
"Mm.... you are tasty... " he mumbled...
You groan a little and moments later he released his fangs from you. Laito wiped away some your blood in his mouth corner and scurried out the door. You went home pretend nothing happens.


"How can she.... " Kyurin gasped to know her best friend actually really hate Yui.. Kyurin's ears were wide shown and hear every blurt of words from her mouth meters away, revealing her pretty earrings.
"Why would she say that..." Kyurin wondered and wallowed around your bed while Yui was on reading a book for book report.
"What happened Kyurin-chan? What do you mean why would she say?" Yui doubt.
"Oh, it's nothing... Just.. You have to beside me every time when we are with y/n ok? And I will protect you.." Kyurin started sniffing and sob, the purple haired vampire girl hugged her sister.
"Hey.. It's not that I will be in danger.. Okay.." Yui patted Kyurin.

Your POV:

I went back home, took a shower and wear on my favorite pj in my room thinking about all the stuff that me, Kyurin, and Yui had. You three really had fun most of the time, you started to think why I have these emotions? She is merely just a mortal, Yui is stupid and naive, and she is really a fuss sometimes, but... sometimes she is cute and bit pretty.. also she tried to be friendly and kind to everyone.. but never saw brave side of her.. You clutched your chest and thinking all the sweet memories you've had..

Picnic day you three shared lunch boxes because each of us had at least some food that you liked.
You three slept eachother on the trip...
First time meeting, was really like a dream, because Kyurin saved you from being bullied.. Yui was a nice girl to you..
Three of us have same like of soda, Mt. Dew.
Yui likes the same song that you liked, and Yui could even sing it to you. Kyurin-chan could even play piano for it..
"Why would I even hate her anyway...." You started to cry on your pillows, sadly... you'd never have a best friend like this in your whole entire life because you were called malicious vampire girl... because other people don't like you.. they despise your evil eyes... You looks... Your actions sometimes are too easy to misunderstood, it's hard to know that you're actually kind hearted..
You should forgive yourself y/n...
Your inner-self said to you.
She is your best friend isn't it?
She continued.
They'd never disband you.. Don't let the opportunities slip away....
What? "You asked your soul.
If you really despise your friend Yui, of being human the first day you could've just killed her and let her be your prey..friendship is a kind of love too...
"Yes...." You get yourself up and wiped the tears off your cheeks.

Next day after second period class...
"Yui... " you called her to your side.
"Yes y/n?" Yui stopped walking and confused.
You walked to her side and hugged her.
"I'm sorry Yui... " you whispered to her ears.
"What? Why sorry? Aren't we best friends? " Yui chuckled as she also wrap her arms to your back. "You such a weird girl.."

"Kyurin-chan.. You actually heard what I said yesterday right..." You frowned stammered as you say to Kyurin, your first vampire friend.
"Yea... But well, .." She layed her hand on your shoulders and you put your head up, "it can't be helped, who tells me that I have hearing abilities? And I heard that, you apologized.." She finished her sentence.
You cried with face of tears in Kyurin's warm chest.
"Wuhuhuhuhuhu.... Cough* cough* sniff* sniff** sfu.. Hmmfu....."
"Yoshi Yoshi... Nakenaide(don't cry) ...." Kyurin clung to her friend and smoothly patted her head.

The end of the oneshot. Let me know if I need changes ok? :) hope you enjoy the oneshot chapter!

Diabolik Lovers :  Yui's Vampire sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora