DBL Author Ask and Character Answer

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Kiyuni-chan: hi all attention pls sakamaki's, Mukami's and komori's!!! It's your author chan first time will ask you questions and you will be answering it properly ! So now kneel down on your author. Phahahaha~!

Subaru: what is with the situation?

Shu: annoying... Would you shut up. Destroying my music.. Zzz

Reiji: so you will ask us questions and we will answer it? Ok.

Yui: I don't mind being asked. ;)

Ruki: why we are here too, since when did I join this club?

Kou: Ruki its ok, we could start it right? Wink* neko-chan?

Ayato: just go already..

Kiyuni: should I take attendance? Not much people are here? I'm gonna call them. LAITO SAKAMAKI ! You here?

Laito: here am I, don't be so fast bitch-chan. ;)

Kiyuni: oh well, I hope you don't go and start masturbating yourself to waste time. :). K, KANATO SAKAMAKI? Are you here.


KIYUNI: Kanato, language. Now where is my GiantYuma and KawaiiAzusa?

Yuma: don't call me giant, I know I'm tall :3

Azusa: let's.... Play.....

Kiyuni: ok everyone is up so, I will be asking Yui first, our main heroine of the story, if you were to give the brothers nickname, what will you call them?

Yui: me? Well... Reiji I will pass because he is gentleman. Shu I will name him sleeping beauty, Ayato will be tomato head, Kanato will be cutieboy, Laito just hentai-kun. And Subaru,.. The car? Pft*

Reiji: thanks yui-San.

Yui: you welcome.

Kiyuni: so how about Mukami's?

Yui: Ruki I will pass. Kou I will name him S-neko-kun, Yuma will like hulk, Azusa the pain freak. Sorry if I say anything bad! Bows*

Kiyuni: nah it's ok, they won't do anything here, if they do I will punch him. 😏

Kou: m-Neko chan? You call me S-neko kun?  😳😳

Yui: yes, s Neko kun.

Kiyuni: ok done, so everyone anymore other to say? I will go on next question.


Kiyuni: ok. So this question may be hard to answer, it's for the triplet brothers. What age did you kill Cordelia?


Kanato: teddy won't be happy if you ask that question.

Laito: why come up with that question.

Ayato: I don't like that question, tch. Why would you want to know?

Laito: well, since bitch-chan want to know, let's just tell her?

Kanato: we killed her when we are about 15 or 16 yr old.

Ayato: true, that time I stabbed her stomach until she bleeds intensely, then Laito pushed her out the balcony and lastly the women was killed by Kanato with blue fire.

Kiyuni: holy shit, seriously so cruel.

Laito: she died, we felt comfortable. More better than she alive.

Kanato: we don't deserve that eyesore women here. Before I burn her to ashes her heart was dug out.

Ayato: yea, then it implant it to Yui. But now she is gone forever. I'm glad she is not doing anything bad to Yui.

Laito: being possessed Bitch-chan I don't like it.

Kiyuni: hmph, I have really think about a question is if you killed her two or threes years ago, then that time me and Yui were doing fine don't we?

Reiji: please don't compare our vampires and humans, we vampires grow one age every decade, and we are immortal.

Kiyuni: oh thx for the information Reiji. :D . But wait.. Nvm..

Kiyuni: should we go next question? This time is for the Mukami.
How do you feel like being vampire after you were turned? And who turned you?

Ruki: women, those damn questions, knock it off.

Kou: Ruki, whatever just answer it honestly.

Yuma: being a vampire was better than having hard to survive as human. We gain more strength and More powerful to protect ourselves.

Azusa: yea.... I.. Could.. do.. more.. Pain....being.. Alive..

Ruki: even though we turned into vampires, we still have a heart of human, and I know we all changed a little. Azusa is like self-flagellation in his room.

Kiyuni: oh.. Ok so who turned you Mukami brother to vamps? Remember tell me honestly.

Azusa: .........the father of Sakamaki...

Kou: Azusa! Why say it.

Ruki: too late.

Kiyuni: narugoto... (So it is).

Shu: that man surely done a lot of awful things outside while we don't know.

Reiji: what a disgrace father.

Subaru: I heard him have an illegitimate son.

Ayato: what the fuck.

Laito: what a nasty father we have. Nfufufu~

Kiyuni: so we done. We will meet next time again for interview!

Yui: bai bai kiyuni-chan.

Kyurin: already done? I just joined! 😖

Yui: you so late, you missed it. Scroll messages*

Kanato: goodbye author chan.

Laito: wanna have a date with me bitch-chan?
.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ).

Kiyuni: nope thank you Laito. Bye bye.

Ok I'm done! Hehehe, bai bai see ya

Diabolik Lovers :  Yui's Vampire sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora