8. Trip (6)

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End of flashback

Continued.. Movie day...

"I wonder what movie are we watching.." Yui yawned, "must not be boring please." The girls wondered as she eat breakfast in the Breakfast Room. The Sakamaki brothers did bother to say anything as if they don't really care and don't know what to say.
"Ne, Kyurin-chan.." Yui tapped her shoulder.
"Yes Yui?" Kyurin stopped eating feeling tap on her shoulder.
"Did Kohaku said when are we watching movie?" The blonde asked.
"No, wanna go arcade center later? After breakfast?" Kyurin smiled as she think want get some more fun.
The thunderstorm outside is very strong and heavy, the rain drops are like ice particles dropping in the floor or Windows. The lightning strikes loudly and it booms across the whole entire hotel. As if it's like calling for someone or other reasons.
After Yui and Kyurin done their breakfast. They fast and wash their mouth and hands and quickly ran off to the arcade center.
The brothers said they will catch up later.
When the girls arrived to the arcade center, they see not a few much people here. It's a good opportunity. Checking in the Center and bought inside tickets, they took out some money and grab piles of game coins and put them in the small bag that given.
"So what should we play?" Yui scanned around the arcade. Yui want to throw balls now, she found a AlleyRoller. The placed the coins that needed below and started the game.
Yui throw the first ball to the farthest one,10,000 points, it aimed. Yui hopped with excite that she aimed the ten thousand points at first strike. Second ball, Kyurin started, she slowly try to target the farthest one like Yui but fail, it landed on the first circle that inside the medium size circle, 4,000 points.
"Ah! I missed it!" Kyurin pissed.
Yui continued to throw the ball and repeated the game 5 times. The blonde won thirty tickets with 5 games.
"Yui you are very good that throwing balls around," Kyurin complemented and clapped.
"Now what's next," Yui said as she pull out the tickets.
Next Kyurin and Yui moved to a game called Pow-Air play, as known as table hockey. Yui try to block the wooden shape to get in, and swift it to Kyurin's side but she isn't that good at it so failed. Kyurin won Yui playing table hockey. They played multiple times and only got 20 tickets. Next Kyurin went to the game that you dance the move gestures and follow it. She chose the hardest song and started to dance. Every step she imitate was a professional movement, she scored over a million points.
"Wow, sugoi!" The people in the arcade clapped.
"Thank you thank you.." Kyurin blushed and turn to take the tickets, she counted the amount of tickets, wow 50 tickets just in one game.
"Yatta! Yui look 50 tickets! " Kyurin hyped and put the tickets together, 50,30,20..... That is 100 tickets. "Wow! Let's go let's go Yui! Play Car Rides! "
"Aye, wait kyurin!" Yui chased her sister.
Before they could started play, Laito came.
"You were here bitch-chan, we all looked for you at this big arcade game," Laito said sternly. "And what we have play in here?Car rides? Can I join?"
"Yes Laito play play play!" Kyurin gave him some coins, and turn around everyone was there.
"Ayato! Hold the coin bag for me!" Kyurin screamed at the auburn hair vampire.
"You don't have to yell! Gosh," Ayato grabbed the coin bag and watched the three people playing car ride.
Ready? Set go!
Yui plays the pink car, Kyurin purple car and Laito plays the green car.
Yui dashed in front of the two cars and go on full speed, the pink car is now inside the maze tunnel while Laito was behind her. Kyurin was behind Laito.
"Hey bitch chan slow down!" Laito said continue driving his green car.
"No nope, I'm gonna win!" Yui giggled and the pink car came out the maze tunnel now at space session, Yui readed the direction and her feet pressed the acceleration pedal.
"Hey Yui chan! Mou--" Kyurin whimpered and dashed with Yui, leaving Laito behind.
Yui won the car ride. Laito won second and Kyurin last.
"Yay I won!" Yui said happily and take the tickets out, 5 tickets. Kyurin have 4 and Laito also 4.
"Bitch chan you're good..teach me.." Laito said trying to lure Yui into him but Yui won't be affected anymore.
"I don't know, but just good at it!" Yui hopped and go next game.
Ayato and Subaru want to play basketball. Ayato asked for coins and got 10 coins from Yui.
Shu wants to play jump rope you know a machine where dash lights go around to jump. And he got 10 coins also but from Kyurin.
Kanato want to play Shooting games, Yui gave him 10 coins.
Reiji and Laito doesn't want to play but just watch.

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