An Unknown Man came into mansion and being sucked dry by the girls?

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Muahahahahahahahahahaha! I just do this for fun, okie? Like imagine a teenage boy just showed up and then Yui, Kyurin and Devi had huge affliction with him, with just two days, the three girls sucked him dry and die. Life. Yeah. I mean just pretend it is okay? And don't cry if I ever find a picture online that an anime you saw...idgaf.. Sorry..if I would hurt your feels. Oh no, I'm gonna make one up myself. I mean I'm serious if you really this, you have to understand what I'm gonna write okay? Because I'm scared most of you just ignore this note. Who cares ignore what I write and enjoy the story.

Isn't it fun to have more characters???

Name: Charlie S. |Age:18 |gender:male |hair color: strawberry pink | eye color: mint green | Race: ??? He isn't normal anyway. | height: 176 cm

Okay find out yourself.


Charlie POV

Wow, I can't believe it or not I'm going to a real haunted house!! Is this some kind of play? I heard that ghosts, vampires, demons are inside!!! This is will be my first live video experience for me ! My heart is doki-doki shiteru, holy, it's so fabulous here! Charlie sama will upload this on YouTube and be famous that me the only guy in demon world adventure and search up all these Baka creatures! And seal them! "MUAHAHAHAHAHAH" I laughed hysterically. I really wanted to feel a vampire bite, hope the God give me a girlfriend that is a vampire, me watch too much anime, manga, tv shows, too much oao.. I say not thinking much, I have eight senses.

+feel people coming near just in range of 1 mile.
+feel people's health and temperature

Charlie knock on the mansion door, harshly.

Knock knock knock*. "Hello?" Knock knock knock* "anyone home?" Knock knock knock* "excuse me?"

Without giving respect, Charlie kicked the door. And it slam open and bang to the walls.

"NIHAO??? "

In front of Charlie appeared a girl with purple hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, little girl, may I ask where's your other family members?"

"Who are you and why are you here? This is not your home and why you destroy the door?" The girl asked me infuriated, she is so cute when mad.

"Well well well, is that how you treat me? So harsh... UWUWU..madam sorry!" I kneel down under her and prayed like a god position, and quickly got up giving the girl a cute face eye wink.


"Who is this man? " suddenly a mannish voice set behind the girl. It appear to be like a butler, looking around my age, a little more taller than me, handsome than me, he has glasses, finished scanning him.

"HI HI!! Watashi wa CHARLIE desu, from now on I will be attending to live at your house by the order of KARL HEINZ," I bowed at him like a gentleman but I was kinda loud cheer voice.

"Karl Heinz? Our father? That man.." He said looking very unpleased with this person name, what? Father? This is cool.

"OI, what going on here? " a redhead appeared, looking great and seem to be very athletic, he can be my friend LOL.

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