Teddy became a girl??

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Kanato POV

It was morning, I woke myself find that teddy was lost.  My mind was lost and all anger I had to scream and shout.


"We don't know! Shut up! " Yui yelled from her room.
"What's all this yelling?" Reiji appeared in front of me.

"I lost my teddy! Can't you see why am shouting? " I explained to my older half brother sternly and wanting to cry.

"Maybe it's either Ayato or Laito....check.. On it.." Shu mumbled in the couch. That lazy shit.

I dashed through the mansion to find Ayato, I found him in the balcony.


"What's all the fuss about a stupid lifeless bear!! So annoying! All the time I'm only in the balcony, Jesus! Go find Laito!! " Ayato scolded at me and walked away irritated.
"Teddy is not lifeless! You bastard!" I pouted, wet water came down from my eyes. I cried. Then I sense Laito, he was at swimming pool swimming around.

"Yo Kanato, what makes you here?" He said calmly, its the second time I would see him swimming here, think about it if he would steal my teddy it would be wet.
"Do you have idea where is my teddy?" I asked him. My chest feel empty without teddy, it feels uncomfortable.
"No I don't see your teddy, wasn't it with you? " Laito said.
"Never mind, I will continue finding it.." I walked away the pool and went to Subaru. Our youngest brother, I found him. He was walking around its like he lost something or finding something.
"Hey Subaru! Have you seen teddy?"
"Hello! "

"What Kanato!" Subaru pissed and yea thank you, you broke the wall again.
"I want teddy! Do you see it?"
"Who the fuck knows where is it!! And now i was about to find that mysterious girl around here! Now I lost it! " Subaru exclaimed.
"What girl? " I doubted. Maybe it could lead me to find it.
"It's like, it have long straight brown hair, and she was wearing a pink dress.." Subaru slowly explained and pink features in his cheek.
"Ok, wait, brown? Teddy is brown... I will go find it, thank you.."

It's been a moment Kanato walk around. Suddenly he heard the girl went to his room.
"Who are you in my room?" I grabbed the girl arm, it was soft and cold. Then she turned around revealing her full appearance.
She has long brown hair down to the ground, an eyepatch on her left eye, and pink dress with black ties. It totally look like teddy. Her eyes gold color, her head has a bear ear.

"What the... Could you possibly be... Teddy?" I whisper with shocked expression. She looked at me with those gold eyes, inside its empty when you stare. Girl version of teddy tilted her head. I saw that she was about 160 cm. Maybe Kyurin-chan have fit clothes for her.
"Let's go teddy, I will get clothes for you.."

Kanato pulled the mystery girl into Kyurin room, Kanato without a doubt kicked the door open.

"Kanato! Do you know what's knock! And---" Kyurin said as she gasp to see the beautiful girl. "Kanato.. Since when do you have this beautiful girlfriend? " Kyurin blushed and smirked.
"She is not girlfriend, it's teddy..and can I please borrow some clothes Kyurin?"
"What? Teddy? This girl? That's impossible.. I think this dress is good why bother to use my clothes?" She asked me.
"No, it's not good, give me some clothes already! " I yelled at her.
"Okay okay! Shush!" She went to her closet and picked out a pink short shirt, yellow skirt, an underwear and a bra?
"Here Kanato, you want me to dress her or you?" she smirked and give me a bad scare.
"You please.." I turned around with a blush. Few minutes later, my girl teddy dressed very cute. What shocked is the human teddy smiled.
"Teddy-chan is all done! " Kyurin pushed her towards my torso.
Kanato scanned teddy girl feature, it totally fits her. Kanato feel red and sense his heart skipped a beat. The purple haired vampire boy took his teddy down stairs, since it's almost breakfast.

"Kanato-kun, have you found-" Laito was stunned the girl besides her, was pretty and elegant. "-your teddy?"
"She is teddy.. Ne teddy-chan?" Kanato sat his teddy-chan next to her.
"Kanato, why I'd never know a guest was here? " Reiji coughed a little asking his young brother.
"She is teddy! Look at the brown hair and eyepatch! " Kanato said.
"What? She is teddy? That's impossible.." Ayato appeared.
"Well, now this is interesting.. " Shu smiled.
"Isn't that the girl I'm finding?" Subaru pointed at teddy-chan and shocked.
"Why would teddy became a girl? Maybe one of Reiji-San experiments.?.." Yui came out the kitchen, placing each food. Later Kyurin came.
"I don't remember making a potion to let lifeless dolls into human," Reiji pushed his glasses.
"Maybe it's true what you've said Kanato, you always say teddy is not lifeless.. Fufuf.." Laito said.
"Let's just eat first, we talk later.." Kyurin recommended.

We all started to eat, but teddy-chan is the only one didn't eat. She looked at the plates, observing the food and playing with the forks, spoon and knife. What's funny is teddy-chan act like a Disney princes, she had the fork on her hair. Later she put it back. Teddy-chan take a sniff at the bacon, she picked the bacon up and put it in her mouth.
"It's tasty..." Teddy smiled and she finally talked.
"Did she just talk?" Ayato doubt as everyone dropped their forks.
Teddy-chan feel awkward and stared into the silence.
"What are you.. guys looking?" She whispered and she put her hands in her face!
"Such a cute girl, eat more teddy-chan," Kanato said fondly. Then Teddy-chan spoke again pointing the fingers through everyone.
"Shu.. Nii.."
"Kyurin.. nee.."
Teddy smiled again after saying their brothers name and the girls name.
"..and me.. Teddy-chan.."
"Sou yo, teddy-chan, good job! " Kyurin clapped.
"Laito-sama? Nfufufuf~~~" Laito blushed.
"Nande ore-sama not "sama" why is Ayato niisan?" Ayato feel pissed.
" I look forward for teddy to learn more knowledge, if she stays human form for long time.." Reiji smiled and drink a sip of his tea.
"How about give a name for Teddy-chan? Teddy is just a doll name.. " Yui recommended. Everyone agrees with this question.

Hey my dear readers!!! Comment down below and give me a name for teddy-chan!! The person who give the most interesting and cute name will be my next bonus of this chapter! I will look forward to whoever will comment down my chapter "Teddy Became a girl?" . Please vote! And thanks!

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