Going home

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Charlie and Devi is gonna go home with their dad. They are gonna miss the Sakamaki brothers and Komori sisters.

Yui: Devi-chan, Charlie, me and Kyurin will miss you so much, even though we only spend a short time together, we had a lot of fun...,
Kyurin: I will miss you too... we will all go see your weather one day... Charlie and Devi. 🤭...
Sakamaki brothers are kinda emotional now but they would also said good bye to everyone.


Reiji: so father, you turn David Jones into a vampire because he want to die and give him mercy so he can meet Devi one day?
Karl Heinz: yes, in my position as the king of all the vampires, I can make them immortal to grant them the most desire wish. I don't turn humans that are for useless intentions. It's because David Jones wanted to live but his work and love for Alhruma couldn't accept that they are different. So I made him something that was for the best purpose for Alhruma.
Shu: hphm, never knew you are actually nice to humans more than all of us. You sick bastard, you left us alone a century and doesn't want to come back for us. You know our mom are bitches.
Laito: yep, and father doesn't like to talk with all of us, but only sends important things to Shu.
Kanato: selfish loving father. I wouldn't mind anything as long I live with happily to myself.
Ayato: we are rich kids, why would he want to honor us more? That's why he left us and start giving democracy to humans.
Subaru: true, my fists will destroy all the damn shits that he did. *destroys wall*
Karl Heinz: subaru, stop.  Well seems you guys all living good and changes, I would do as what always do sending money to Reiji for the rest. My job is experience the world more than boring out my position in the demon world. I would take leave now with others.

Devi and the company boss convo

Ayama Konari: so, Devi you can continue back your work after you went home with your real father.
Devi: thanks Boss

That's it. Now let's go back to the beginning!

Karl Heinz, Steward family, Seiji, and the boss all went back to human world.
The Sakamaki's and Komori sisters went back to their rooms and have a good night sleep.

Diabolik Lovers :  Yui's Vampire sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon