3. Trip (1)

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Just to imagine it was just a random plot I made ok, it's like oneshot on this one, idc just for little fun.

Normal POV
It was a beautiful day in the sakamaki mansion, everyone was cheerful and happy. Yui was sleeping with Kyurin last night and they both feel energetic full sleep and Enough health. The brothers were getting along well now, they start to get very playful and nice. But still they drank Yui's blood, sometimes even Kyurin.

"Morning. Bitch chan and Kirei chan.." Laito whispered erotically.
"Morning Lai kun. " Kyurin smiled and kissed him in the cheek.
" Morning Laito." Yui kissed Laito in the cheek too.
"Lai kun, you know what, I want to taste your blood. " Kyurin smirked and licked her lips.
"Yadda, Kirei chan dara, you want to try?" Laito said.
"Nah just kidding. " Kyurin slipped her tongue and winked a blink.
"Let's go out and see if others are awake." Yui said.

The three people went to the food table and saw they are almost ready for breakfast.

"Good morning, everyone!" Kyurin shouted.
"Ohayo, teddy also said morning." Kanato smiled, he no longer have panda eyes.
"Yo, ohayo chi-chi-na-shi." Ayato teased Yui.
"Let's eat breakfast," Reiji called.

The brothers and the girls started to eat breakfast, the brothers starts to chat and talk happily,
"Nee, should we go to trip next time." Kanato asked Reiji.
"Yes, I think we should, we haven't gone to anywhere for years." Reiji smiled.
"I agree," shuu, subaru, and others raised their hands.
"You guys all agree, let's do vote, you guys write something in the paper and we see where should we go. " Reiji said.

Reiji: Hawaii
Shuu: Tokyo Summerland
Ayato: Tokyo Summerland
Kanato: Toy store
Laito: Hot Spring
Subaru: hot Spring
Yui: Tokyo Summerland
Kyurin: Tokyo Summerland

"Seems like Summerland gets the more results..." Laito respond to Reiji.
"Yup, since it's summer, who would go hot spring Laito, Subaru." Shuu said.
"I like places warm.." Laito said.
"So everyone park your stuffs tomorrow 9:30 am we will be leaving the mansion and go to Tokyo Summerland, please be in the door at 9:20 am. " Reiji said. "Other Info's I will message you guys in the phone." Reiji added and handling all the smart phones he bought.
"Since when did you buy the smartphones?" Kanato asked.
"Cough* maybe Reiji started to experiment on phones cough* " Subaru chuckled.
"I think so too!" Yui said.
Reiji slapped the table real hard.
"Cough* pushing glasses* well, I only bought this for in case emergency, " Reiji explained.
"Ore-sama don't like phones." Ayato complained.
"But Ayato chan, you can take pictures for memories, you can play games, you can listen to songs, you can play it for fun!" Kyurin said.
"Huh? A message?" Kyurin checked her phone. It was Laito.
"Hi! Kirei-chan! " Laito said.
"Uhhhhhhhh...... " Kyurin then sends a message "........."
Yui phone message.
"Hi! Bitch chan_~~~ " Laito said.
"Laito kun stop playing around." Yui send.
"Ore sama is thirsty, come over here now!" Ayato send to Yui but accidentally send to Kyurin.
"Ayato, you want to drink my blood seriously?" Kyurin stunned.
"Huh, I thought I was sending it to chichinashi." Ayato said.
"Kill me in the trip or leave us on the trip, your choice.." Subaru send to Yui.
"We not here to play phones.." Reiji send to Ayato, Laito, and Subaru.
Four hours later...

Reiji send some message in a group chat.

Reiji: the trip is a three day trip, be sure also bring swimsuits, towel, flip flops, clothes, and etc..first day is Tokyo Summerland, then beach, last is Hokkaido to see flowers. Each person is $1,000. Please bring your money in before you sleep.
Ayato: 👍🏻
Kanato: 🙈🐻👍🏻
Yui: good
Kyurin: good
Subaru: 👻👍🏻
Shuu: 💤💤💤💤💤💤👍🏻
Laito: 😘😘😘👍🏻
Before everyone goes to sleep, Ayato teleported to Kyurin's room. Ayato said he never tried Kyurin's blood before.
"Ayato? What do you need? Did you finished pac-!" Before Kyurin could finish the sentence Ayato kissed her in the lips. His tongue twisted inside Kyurin and Kyurin didn't react. Then Ayato moved his lips, Kyurin coughed a little.
"What.. What is your problem Ayato kun. Why you kiss me." Kyurin trembled.
"Shut up, I never tried your blood, now it's your turn, prepare yourself. " Ayato grinned as he show the fangs coming towards your neck. "Yamete!" Kyurin said.
Ayato bit her in the right neck, sucking her blood sexually.
"Good taste, even better than Yui.. are you a honey bee or something." Ayato said and continued to suck her blood.
"Ahh... Itaii.. Aa..kmm.. "Kyurin said when she was about to lose conscious but Ayato stopped. "That's it for today, good night." Ayato said wiping his mouth.
"Ayato! You do this to me next time I'm gonna do this to you!" Kyurin😛.
Kyurin's bite marks begin to heal, she finished packing everything she needed, now she just have to leave the money in Reiji's room. She went to Yui's room tell her if she done packing all stuff , Yui said yes Kyurin tell her give her the money so she could give it to Reiji totally. As Kyurin walk down the hallway to Reiji's room to give the money, she saw Laito kun was heading to his room too, she asked if Laito could bring the money to him, he said yes but wanted a reward from her before giving it. Kyurin brushed her hair away showing her neck, Laito bit her the place near the neck and sucked the blood. Laito thanked her and took the money to Reiji.
Next day.

(Just hold it here! Wait for next one! )

Thanks ^=^

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