⚠️[Different chapter]

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Sakamaki's thoughts of the girls

Reiji: Yui is too naive and Devi is annoying. I like Kyurin the most since she doesn't make troubles.

Shu: Yui isn't bad but she is weak all the time it's so hard to comprehend her, Devi is incredible girl but Kyurin is more mature than anyone in the mansion.

Laito: Bitch-chan is kinda stupid and easy to play with, I like her, but Devi is an interesting girl and Kyurin have sense of humour

Kanato: yui-san is easy to get along well but she is weak, Devi-San can perform magic and let me play with dolls and Kyurin-san always help me make things better

Ayato: everyone is mine. Yui is my best girl, Devi will be also mine she is special and Kyurin is third main dish,

Subaru: Kyurin is the most quiet one. Thanks lord, if I want to sleep I would sleep with her the most.

Charlie: kyurin-sama is my crush. Devi is my KAWAII imouto. Yui is friend

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